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Loki cried out, a stinging pain radiating throughout his whole face. He brought a hand up to the cut, horrified by the blood that was coming out.

Thor spared a glance at his brother before a sudden movement out of the corner of his eye.

It was Y/N, curled up on the pavement, her head clenched between her hands. Pressing on both sides of her face, she rapidly shook her head back and forth.

It was if she was trying to say "no".

Loki, still cupping a hand to his cheek, rushed to his sister's side, trying to look at her face.

Specifically, her eyes.

Thor beckoned the rest of the team to come down, and soon the three gods were joined by Tony, Natasha, and the rest of the people on the jet.

Y/N was still curled up on the pavement, her imposing demeanor of just a few minutes ago gone, replaced by whatever was going on now.

Thor, who was one of the only ones to react, raced towards his sister and picked her up. He ran to the jet that had since landed on the ground, getting inside. Tony ran after him, holding up a pair of cuffs that he slapped on Y/N's wrists. 

Natasha ran to Loki, checking the gash on his face, studying what she would need in order to play her role as battlefield medic. 

Clint ran off to do damage control, calming the poor German citizens down and getting them back on their feet.

After some time, everyone returned the jet, Thor still holding Y/N inside. Her face was pale, her hands bound in front of her by Tony's cuffs. 

She didn't look imposing.


She looked like a scared little girl.

All that was left for them to wonder was how. How did she flip personalities like that? 

What was going on with the Princess of Asgard?

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jun 05 ⏰

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