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Hear The Roll Of Thunder

After what Loki had heard his sister say in the gardens, he ran to find Frigga. Y/N wasn't acting right, at all. 

Bursting into her chambers, he called for her. 

Startled, and now alarmed, Frigga went to Loki. "Darling, what's wrong?"

Loki grabbed his mother's hand, desperate. "It's about Y/N. She's.. something is terribly wrong."

Frigga's eyes widened. "What is it?"

"She's telling lies. Obvious lies." Loki's chest was heaving, his breaths erratic. 

Frigga placed a hand on his back. "Breathe, my darling. Please."

Loki shuddered, and then his breathing evened out. "Y/N is lying, and acting extremely strange. It's like I'm not even talking to her."

Frigga furrowed her brow. "I've never heard of something like that. Where is she now?"

"In the gardens, but-"

"Let's go to her," Frigga interrupted. "Show me what is wrong."

Loki nodded, and lead her through the winding halls of the palace until it opened up into the gardens. Now nearly in a sprint, Loki spotted the tree. "Here, mother, here."

Frigga nodded, and gestured for him to stay put. "I will talk to her. Stay right there."

Loki, although hesitantly, nodded, and planted his feet on the ground. 

Frigga started forward, calling her daughter's name. Just as what happened with Loki, the goddess unfolded herself from the inside of the tree and greeted her mother. 

"Hello, mother. Is something the matter? You look concerned."

Frigga studied Y/N's face. "Are you feeling alright, dear? Loki was concerned something was the matter."

Y/N looked back to see her brother standing in the back, who was now shuffling his feet uncomfortably. "I feel fine, mother. Just a small headache, that's all. Why was Loki concerned?"

Frigga hesitated. "I think that is something he needs to tell you himself." And with those words, she beckoned him forward.

Loki obliged, and walked forward until he was in front of Y/N. "I just have a question."

Y/N shot one eyebrow up. "What is it?"

"How did we discover we could communicate telepathically in our sleep?"

Frigga let out a low chuckle, which earned her a soft glare from her daughter. 

Y/N huffed out a breath, and replied, "I had a nightmare, which apparently alerted you and woke you up," Y/N rolled her eyes, and then narrowed them. "Why do you ask? Mother knows this story. You blabbed to her."

Loki looked worried. "Oh, no reason. I.. I will be going now." And with that, he turned on his heel and left.

Y/N looked questioningly at Frigga, who gave her a shrug in response. "No, I don't know what's going on."

"Not asking."

"You were. You've been giving me that face every time one of your brothers does something unruly."

"..That's fair."


Loki was panicking. Too many things were happening at once. 

Thor is banished.

Odin is unconscious.

Y/N is behaving strangely. 

And, with all of that, he still had a kingdom to rule. 

Loki collapsed from where he was standing in front of the throne, sitting down hard on the grand steps leading up to it. Burying his head in his hands, he tried to block out the world, even if it was only for a few minutes of peace.

"My king!"

Scratch that.

Loki lifted his head, and to his surprise, Lady Sif and the Warriors Three were standing in front of him. Rising to his feet and shimmering himself into his formal armor, he faced the four. "How can I serve you?"

Sif stepped forward. "We need Thor back. Would you please lift his banishment?"

Loki sighed. "Believe me, Lady Sif, I want to. But my orders cannot be to undo the Allfather's last."

Volstagg stepped forward next. "Then I have an idea. As king of Asgard, you have the rights to command Heimdall, correct?"

Loki turned to face the warrior. "I do. I have been speaking with him recently, as well."

Hogan stepped forward next, a fist clasped over his heart. "My king, please take this the right way. Can you forgive treason?"

Loki was shocked. Treason?

Then it clicked. Heimdall. Treason. Thor's banishment. 

He smiled, a genuine one that crinkled up his eyes. "That I can do."

The group smiled at one another, and then looked back up at the God of Mischief. "Then, my king," Sif began. "May we be excused?"

Loki, who was still smiling, nodded. "Of course."

As the group left, Loki could have sworn he saw a flash of lightning outside the window. Walking towards the glass, he gazed upward. He saw thunderclouds gathering around the palace. 

"Well, I can't say we always got along. And I was never one for pleasant greetings with you. But, welcome home..


Overcoming Myself ~ Y/N OdinsdottirWhere stories live. Discover now