ᛈᚨᚱᛏᚤ ᚲᚱᚨᛋᚺᛖᚱᛋ (ᛈᚨᚱᛏ ᛟᚾᛖ)

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Party Crashers (Part One)

Once Loki's words left his mouth, chaos erupted.

Thor was asking Fury questions, and accidentally snagged Loki's horned helmet on his cape as it whipped up in the air.

Natasha grabbed a pair of headphones and an mp3 player before handing them to Bruce.

Clint simply reached inside a container of sorts by him and grabbed a bow.

Tony adjusted cuffs on his wrist and tapped something in his ear.

Steve looked slightly lost, his eyes darting around the room as if searching for something.

After all of the initial scramble, they loaded up onto a jet that S.H.I.E.L.D. had inside their inventory. Fury wasn't even fazed when Tony grumbled about how his tech was so much better.

"Leave your baggage here, Stark. I didn't leave enough room for your ego."

On board, the two brothers were being questioned on how Y/N may react when they showed up. Fury was insistent on knowing more about how she had communicated her destination with her adoptive brother.

"I cannot give you a straight answer on how she will react," Thor answered. "By the looks of this situation, she is not herself."

"I think she is, in some way," Loki said quietly. Gone was the arrogant shield and the harsh defense. "Ever heard of Infinity Stones?"

Fury nodded. "Is that how you communicate?"

Loki waved his hand, flicking at his wrist. "No, that's purely magic. But Infinity Stones are a sort of supernatural entity in of itself."

"So you're saying there's one at play here." Fury fiddled with his eyepatch ever so slightly. "Which one?"

"I am not sure. But by your description, there is one in her blade. The shapeshifting one."

Clint suddenly looked interested. "Yes, going from a spear to a dagger. It also had an eerie blue glow to it."

"Blue.. that I am not sure of." Loki bit the inside of his lip. "I shall look further into it."

Thor leaned forward, his elbows on his knees. "Can Infinity Stones change what objects are?"

Loki shook his head. "None but the Reality Stone. No one has seen it for years, and besides, I doubt that's what we may be dealing with."

Thor nodded. "Maybe it's Y/N's magic, then."

Tony perked up, the face mask of his suit flipping upwards. "Her magic can do that?"

Loki let out a short breath, dragging a hand down his face. "I am unsure. Mother always said that she was a strong magic user, and a powerful goddess. But we never got to test just what exactly she could do."

"So it's a possibility."

"I wouldn't rule it out."

Loki glanced down at his boots, before bringing his gaze back up to the people in front of him. "I-"

He got cut off as the pilot announced that they would be in Stuttgart in five minutes. 

After his announcement, there was the rustle and bustle of a team getting assembled and ready to fight.

Thor laid a hand on his brother's shoulder. "We will get to the bottom of this. I promise."

Loki smiled, a genuine one that crinkled up his eyes. "Yes. Yes we will."


This may not be what you're hoping for, and I will go through and beef it up some when I get some time.

But ya'll-

This book has 1K reads!!! You guys are amazing!!

I'll have part 2 to this chapter up soon, promise!

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