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Midgardian Heroes

As the glow of the Bifrost faded, Thor and Loki were blinking rapidly to try and get the white and black spots out of their vision.

As their eyes began to focus, they took in their surroundings. Unlike Thor's first excursion to Earth, they had landed in a city, right in the middle of a fountain. Buildings towered over them, and as they climbed out of the fountain, passerby's in the street bumped into them, looking incredulous. They both looked at themselves and saw that they were both wearing their formal armor. No wonder some were looking at them like they were on another planet.. they kind of were.

Loki wrinkled his nose when a particularly upset woman started shouting at them for being 'disrespectful teenagers'. As Thor was dragging him away, Loki couldn't help but make a snide comment about the woman's choice in a haircut.

When Thor managed to apologize to the woman through his small giggles, they got out of the street. Looking around for something that could possibly lead them to their sister, Thor spotted an odd-looking building.

Seeing something caught his brother's eye, Loki followed to where he was looking.

"Stark? What could that possibly mean?"

Thor shrugged. "No idea. But perhaps-"

"No. I will not be going in there. There's no way Y/N would be there."

They went further into the city. Loki managed to dry them both off with his magic discreetly, trying not to draw as much attention to them as they already did. Being dressed in flashy armor and being over six feet tall made both gods stand out. 

Wading through a busy marketplace, Thor bumped into a man, knocking a stack of papers out of his arms.

"Oh, I am terribly sorry. Here, let me help you pick these up."

Stooping down, Thor sent Mjolnir aside and helped pick the files up. One had flipped open, and to his shock, he saw one with his own name and face on it.


Thor held the file in his hand and finally looked at the man that he had bumped into. He was tall, black, bald, and had an eyepatch on. 

Thor narrowed his eyes, and Loki had finally spotted the file and had a hand on his dagger.

"Where did you get that?"

The man's eye shifted between Thor and Loki for a couple seconds. "My name is Director Fury from S.H.I.E.L.D., and I'm going to ask you to come with me."

Loki sneered. "I'm not going anywhere with you. We are looking for our sister."

"Sister?" Fury raised his voice in question. "What would this sister look like?"

Loki and Thor exchanged glances, and without a word they strode into an alleyway, beckoning Fury to follow. 

When they were away from the crowd, who had apparently not taken notice of the strange interaction, Loki spoke first.

"Have you seen my.. our sister?"

Fury sighed. "Just about 14 hours ago, there was a disturbance a while from here at one of the S.H.I.E.L.D bases. Strange girl showed up, looked around 15 or 16, and tried to steal something from us. Threatened some of my best men, but ultimately brought down the place when she finally stole it. She's vanished off the face of the Earth, so if that was her, she's no where to be seen."

"Did you see what she looked like? Up close?" Thor questioned.

"A bit. Are you sure this may be who you're looking for?"

"I am positive," Loki said abruptly. 

Fury again looked at the two. "Then come with me."


Fury lead them into a building of sorts. Inside were lots of people, all in identical suits, milling around, all seeming to be doing something different.

After climbing a bunch of stairs, a large room opened up. In it was a large table, with seven other people around it. After Fury's presence was made known, he had the gods introduce themselves.

"I am Thor, god of thunder, Odinson."

"I am Loki, god of mischief, of Asgard."

Fury gave quick introductions of everyone else around the table. There was a man named Steve Rogers, who was apparently from the 1940's, while the current year was 2012. However, he appeared to be in his 20's or 30's.

A woman by the name of Maria Hill was an agent, along with a man named Phil Coulson.

Another person was standing off to the side, but he was introduced as Clint Barton, a skilled archer.

Before Fury could continue, the next man around the table stood up and introduced himself. 

"I'm Tony Stark, genius, billionaire, playboy, philanthropist." 

"Stark? Like that building?" Thor asked.

"Yep! It runs off of its own power source-"

"We can get the science lecture later, Stark."

"Point Break asked about it. And Reindeer Games over here looks interested!"

While Thor just looked confused, Loki glanced up as if trying to see his helmet.

The person sitting next to Tony happened to be a woman. "Don't mind him, he's an idiot. I'm Natasha Romanov."

When she looked to her other side, the man sitting there blushed furiously and said, "I'm Bruce. Bruce Banner. Pleasure to meet you guys."

"Everyone here is helping us find the Tesseract. That's what you're supposed sister stole," Fury explained.

Tony looked up, as did Clint.

"Their sister? Then why are they here, to finish us off?" Tony exclaimed angrily.

"Don't speak of her that way!" Loki spat.

Thor rested a hand on Loki's shoulder, and turned to Fury. "Is there anything you can show us that can lead us to Y/N?"

Fury nodded. "Before the compound's tech fell, we were able to gather some video footage of the lab. And Agent Barton was present as well."

Clint raised his head and gave an assertive nod. "Need a description?"

Thor nodded, his hand still on Loki's shoulder. "That would be greatly appreciated, Agent Barton."

"Call me Clint. Agent makes me sound old. Now, what would you like to hear from me?"

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