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You Cannot Lie To The God Of Lies

Loki quickly found out he wasn't all that fond of ruling. Sure, it was nice to be more respected than Thor, but there was a lot more to being king than what he expected.

It quickly took up the majority of his time. He missed his time reading, practicing magic, and spending time with Y/N. 

Speaking of Y/N, over the last week or two, he had hardly seen her. At first, he just thought it was all of his newly found royal duties. But whenever they would cross paths, Y/N simply nodded her head at him and kept walking. Her head was usually buried in a book, as well. 

Loki missed his sister's company. So, when he had an opening, he sought her out. 


After the incident on the Bifrost Bridge, Y/N felt.. strange. Like some part of her was going haywire. She would have random bursts of emotion, causing something in her atmosphere to change. 

She kept a list of everything that went wrong. 

-Bifrost Bridge: Almost lost footing and went for involuntary skydiving. 
-Great Hall: Caused a small tsunami by using the water and ale in everyone's goblets.
-Library: Set fire to a shelf of books.

And the list continued. 

It troubled her. Y/N had never had issues with her magic before, in fact, her mother told her she was one of the most skilled magicians she had ever seen. 

She told Loki that too. 

So, since the incident two weeks ago on the Bridge, Y/N had been spending her time in old magic books and ancient records of gods and goddesses, trying to find a connection. While all the texts were fascinating to her, not one bit of it looked like what she was dealing with. 

In more ways than one, Y/N felt like her mind was not her own sometimes. 

And her gut told her something bad was to come.


Loki roamed the halls of the castle. His first guesses as to where his sister would be were the library and her chambers. To his shock, it was neither. He tried calling out to her using their telepathic connection, but all he got back was silence. 

Loki was slightly panicked now. He had always been able to communicate with Y/N that way. It was never silent.

One of the waitstaff must have seen his panicking, because the maid took him aside and asked what was wrong. After Loki hastily explained his panic, the maid smiled at him and said, "Oh, Lady Y/N is in the gardens. She asked for no one to disturb her, however, I'm sure she would be pleased to see you."

Loki broke into a smile and expressed his gratitude.

Now running through the halls, Loki skidded to a stop at the entrance to the palace gardens. The acres of flora seemed to expand forever, but he had played games with his siblings enough times to know where they liked to go. 

Thor was fond of the tall hedges that were impossible to see between.

Y/N, however, was found of the gaps in the trees that she could hide away in. Her ability to manipulate the earth below her feet helped as well, as she found that she could make it big enough to tuck her dress in as well. 

Smiling at the memories, Loki pressed forward to the tree he knew was Y/N's favorite. 

"Y/N," he called out. "It's your favorite brother."

He heard a quiet giggle. "Hey, Thor."

Y/N appeared from inside the tree, brushing her dress back down as she stood up. 

Loki started towards her, and abruptly stopped. 

Y/N frowned. "Loki? I was kidding. What's wrong?"

Loki hesitated. "I really don't mean to sound rude, but something's wrong with you."

Y/N barked out a laugh. "What a way to boost my ego. Thanks."

Loki shook his head. "No, that's not what I mean. Something doesn't look right. Plus, I haven't been able to talk to you telepathically. I've always been able to."

"I've been sleeping a lot," Y/N shrugged. "Maybe that's why."

"No, I've always been able to talk to you in your sleep, as well. Remember the time I woke you up accidentally when I had a nightmare?"

Y/N laughed. "Oh, yeah, I do remember that!"

Loki narrowed his eyes. "Yeah. And you bound me to my bed with tree branches for several hours until Mother found me."

"Ah, that was funny. You were pretty mad at me, though."

Alarms were going off in Loki's mind. Y/N was behaving really strangely. And now she was lying through her teeth.

That event had never happened. Loki knew he could talk with Y/N when she was asleep, because she was the one who had woken him up when she had a nightmare. She was mortified and told Loki to tell no one. 

While he never did, he still teased her about it constantly. 

There was no way that she had forgotten about the event. Loki had made it impossible for her to. 

Overcoming Myself ~ Y/N OdinsdottirWhere stories live. Discover now