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Only One Can Have The Throne

After some time by Odin's bedside, the two siblings left the room. Loki excused himself to the library, and Y/N headed to her chambers. 

As she was processing all the events of the day while pouring over her favorite book, a knock sounded at her door. Not looking up from her book, she mumbled, "Come in."

She heard the door open and close behind whoever had entered, but she didn't look up until the visitor was right in front of her. 

"Oh, Loki,  it's you. How can I help you?"

Loki sat across from where his sister was, and propped his head up on his hands as he leaned over. "Mother just finished talking to me. She has told me that someone needs to take the throne while.. Odin is in the Odinsleep."

Y/N cocked her head to one side. "I know. You are to take the throne, as the next in line."

Loki looked down. "Actually, Y/N, I want it to be you."

Y/N sat, her mouth slightly open in shock. "Brother, you have always wanted the throne. Why are you passing on it now?"

Loki looked up from where he was studying the carpet pattern. "I.. never wanted the throne. I wanted to be Thor's equal, that was all. Odin has always favored him.. and now I guess I know why."

"It wasn't just you he favored Thor over. He ignored me too, that's why Mother taught us both."

He sighed, knowing Y/N was right. "I know. But my point still stands. I want you to be the one to take the throne in Odin's absence."

"And if I refuse?"

It was Loki's turn to look shocked. "Then.. I suppose I would take the throne."

Y/N leaned back. "Then I refuse. You were the one who paid attention when Odin talked politics, leadership, all that real fun stuff. I always wanted to run around the castle grounds and escape.

"You are the better suited. I don't care what Father thinks. Frost giant, Asgardian, Elf, whatever you may be. You are the one who is destined for Asgard's throne."

Loki stood up and swept his sister in a hug. "Thank you. For everything."

Y/N returned the friendly gesture. "I can't repay you for what you've done for me. This is my way in trying to."

He chuckled softly. "And the same to you."

Overcoming Myself ~ Y/N OdinsdottirWhere stories live. Discover now