Chapter 65

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TW: Swearing, mentions of gun use, violence, blood and injury of an animal.

I helped Athena take her bags up to her room and placed them down by the bed before turning to her, "I don't really want to wait to tell Tyra about you moving here so I was thinking that maybe you'd want to come over for dinner tonight." I say. She nods and with a smile says, "Yeah, I like the sound of that. I can't wait to see her reaction." I smile along with her and help her get settled.

Once done, my phone starts to ring so I pull it out of my pocket to see who was calling me. To my surprise, it was Demi. I sigh and answer the call.

Phone call

(D is Demi and P is Payton.)

P: "Hello?"
D: "H-hey Payton. H-how have you been?"
P: "Good thanks. You?"
D: "Y-yeah, yeah I've been good."
P: "So, why did you call me?"
D: "Uhm are you busy right now?"
P: "Kinda, yeah. Why, what's up?"
D: "Well I-I was wondering if you could come over and we could maybe talk. I saw Tyra with her friends as I was walking Barry and Luna so I thought..."
P: *I sigh and pinch the bridge of my nose.* "I'm not currently at home. What do you want to talk about anyways."
D: "Uhm well I..." *I hear something like a door being slammed open from her side of the call and she goes quiet with a gasp.*
P: "Demi, are you okay? What was that noise?"
D: "Not really and I don't know what that sound was." *She whispers this and I hear someone shout Demi's name.*
P: "Are you at home right now?"
D: "Y-yeah."
P: "Okay, grab Barry and Luna, hide and stay put. I'll be there as soon as I can."

I hear a muffled 'Okay' from Demi and we hang up.

End of call

I shove my phone back in my pocket and look over at Athena, "I'm sorry but I've gotta go. I think someone just broke into Demi's while we were on the phone and I need to go make sure she's okay." I say. She nods and replies, "Yeah no, of course. Go do what you need too. Text me after so I know that you're okay and your address with what time I should arrive for dinner." I thank her and tell I will before I head out.

I hurry down the corridor and into the elevator, hitting the button for the lobby. Once there, I rush out the hotel and run to my car. Jumping in, I fasten my seatbelt and start my car before peeling out the parking lot and driving in the direction of Demi's house. It didn't take me long to get there and when I did, I parked just down the street and turned off my car. I jumped out and swiftly made my way towards her front door that was left ajar, keeping quiet as I approached. I tentatively sniffed the air as I reach the door to see if I could tell how many people had entered.

I counted 4 distinct scents that weren't Demi's or the dogs and I recognised one of them. The ex I met at the dog park. Accalia growled within me when we heard Demi's heartbeat from the doorway as I carefully pushed the door open and stepped inside, it was practically beating out of her chest. I could also hear 4 sets of footsteps walking through the place, two of which were heading my way. I quickly hid myself from view as they got closer and walked toward another part of the house, both complaining about not being able to find Demi.

I notice one enter what I assumed to be a bathroom and the other stand outside facing away from me, leaning against the wall. I cautiously make my way behind him and wrap my arm around his neck, putting him in a sleeper hold while I put my other hand over his mouth to stop him from shouting out. He falls limp so I gently lay him down on the floor by the wall and stand infront of the door his friend went through. I hear a flush and water running, a few moments later the door opens and he looks at me confused. Before he can say or do anything I punch him square in the nose, breaking it and knocking him out.

I manipulate the air around him to slow his fall to the ground so no sound was heard. I leave the two men where they were and made my way through the house, following the steady heartbeats of the ex and his remaining friend. I then hear the ex talk, "Found you." he says. I assume he has some form of weapon as I hear Demi beg for him not to hurt her. All of a sudden, I hear a gunshot which stilled my movements but only for a split second. As soon as I heard Demi scream, the whimpering of Luna and the growling from Barry along with the scent of blood, I bolted up the stair.

I ran through the hallways until I turn a corner to find a hysterical Demi kneeling on the floor over a bloody Luna. I see Barry stood tall next to them growling, baring his teeth. Seeing this causes a dangerous growl to erupt from my throat; unleashing Accalia from her restraints with an almightly howl as we fuse together in wolf form...

 Seeing this causes a dangerous growl to erupt from my throat; unleashing Accalia from her restraints with an almightly howl as we fuse together in wolf form

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Thankfully Accalia wasn't her usual size of 10ft tall, we were around the size of grey wolf.

All eyes fall on me at the sound of the growl and the gun was also pointed in my direction but I stand tall. With our eyes ablaze and a murderous growl ripping from our throat, we stalk forward slowly. "The fuck is that thing." The ex's remaining friend screams while aiming his own gun at me and shoots but the bullet just bounces off my fur. This causes him to panic and unload a few more rounds at me before I pounce and knock him to the ground with a merciless snarl and one of our front paws on his chest.

Accalia allows me enough control to transform back into my human form and when I do, I knock out the man under me. I look up at the scumbag that orchestrated this whole thing to find him backing away with his gun still pointed at me, "Stay the fuck back or I will shoot you." He warns but I just chuckle darkly. "And you should have listened." He stumbles back and falls to the ground causing his gun to slide across the floor. He starts to scramble back as I advance on him, "Please. Please, just let me go. I beg you, don't hurt me." he pleads but I shake my head. "You really think that I'm gunna let you leave. After everything you put her through." I say angrily as I point at Demi.

"Oh no. You don't get to just walk away asshole." I spat and kicked him in the face, knocking him out also. I rush over to Demi, Barry and Luna and crouch down next to them. I ask Demi to move her hands away from Luna's wound and she does. She watches me closely as I place my own hands over it and close my eyes, whispering a healing spell that Kaida taught me once many years ago. Once the wound and any other injuries are healed, I move my hands away and Luna jumps up; licking my face with Barry joining her.

I laugh as I tell them to stop which they do and I turn to look at Demi to find her already looking at me, "Y-you actually came." she says quietly with teary eyes. I smile at her, "Of course I did. I will always be there when you need me." I said as I pull her into me and wrap my arms around her as she starts to cry again. She clings to me, sobbing into my shoulder while I whisper calming words of comfort.

We stay like that for a little while, me sat on the floor with Demi curled up on my lap; crying her heart out until she eventually calms down. "You're staying with me until we can either clean this place up or you find a new place." I say. She looks up at me and starts to protest, "Ah ah, no. You are staying with me so don't give me that, I just want to make sure your okay." I say, making her stop. I stand up, pulling her up with me and take her to bedroom to pack up some of her things.

Once done, we pack up some stuff for the dogs and leave the house, closing and locking the door behind us. I pack up my car as Demi gets the dogs in the back seat, I jump in the drivers seat as she jumps in the passenger seat and I drive us back to my place.

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