chapter one

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Akk yawned as he took off his glasses and closed his laptop. He glanced at the digital clock on his desk and it read 22h00. "Another late night at the office." He mumbled to himself.

He stood up stretching his body while yawning and packed his laptop into his laptop bag and grabbed a few files and headed out of the office.

It was a typical day for Akk, he was the first one at work and the last one to leave. He would sometimes sleep on the couch in his office.

It didn't matter though, it was not like he had anyone waiting for him at his apartment. He broke off all contact with his friends after they graduated from high school.

Although Kan and Wat kept reaching out to him from time to time, he hardly ever responded. They never gave up on him, it's just him. He didn't want anyone in his life anymore.

He barely went home no matter how much his mother nagged him. He probably went home once a year... on that day.

He walked into the parking lot, his car was the only one left. He got in and revved his car and drove to his apartment.

It was nice driving at night in the streets of Bangkok there wasn't a lot of traffic. He got to his apartment faster than he would've liked. Sighing he parked his car, grabbed his laptop bag and the few files from the passenger seat and made his way to his apartment.

He dragged his body upstairs because the damn elevator was still out-of-order. He hated taking stairs since he lived on the 6th floor. Although he used to be very active in high school, he stopped exercising. So taking the stairs was a drag.

Akk stopped doing most things, he had lost interest in doing anything. The only thing he did was drown himself in work. He was such a diligent employee, he had won employee of the month 7 times in a row. His colleagues even joked that the title should be changed to Akk's award.

He reached the door of his apartment and let out another sigh as he fumbled to find the keys in his pocket. When he finally managed to fish out his keys he unlocked the door and entered the cold dark apartment.

Akk's apartment was nice though despite the cold and dark feeling it gave. Everything was organized and the design was very minimalistic.

He tossed his laptop bag on the couch and put the files on the coffee table and headed to his bedroom to take a shower.

After the shower, Akk changed into his pyjamas with his hair went still wet. Akk sat by the couch and opened his laptop while going through the files he came with from the office and continued working.

He worked until 5h00am in the morning. Another night without sleep. He yawned while stretching his arms and headed to his bedroom, took out his work clothes from the closet, grabbed the towel and went to shower.

After getting prepped for work he made himself a big cup of strong coffee. He glanced at the clock on the wall of his apartment he noticed it was already 6h10am. He grabbed his stuff and headed to work.

This was Akk's everyday routine, he hardly ate anything only surviving on coffee most days. He never slept since he suffered from insomnia. He hated sleep though because everytime he would dose off he dreamt of him.

He functioned on autopilot, he had become skinnier and had black under eyes from lack of sleep. He was frail and pale from the lack of sunlight.

He didn't mind his life though, at least his work gave his live a purpose, a reason to live. So he drowned himself in work, and it paid him good money.

He was a marketing director of a big Accounting firm, not what he wanted to do with his life but then again his life didn't go the way he wanted.

While sitting on his big office that hardly reflected any sunlight in his L-shaped big mahogany desk going through some documents his phone beeped. He had received a text from Kan.

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