chapter 16

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Ayan is pretty, Akk notes. Ayan is incredibly pretty and makes his heart flutter, especially today when he has his hair styled and wearing that butterfly necklace, with that cream colored cardigan he is pretty sure he saw at the women's section and those criminally baggy jeans that hide his pretty perfect ass.

"What are you looking at?" Ayan asked when he found Akk staring.

"You look pretty today." Akk says, more to himself but loud enough for Ayan to hear.

"Are you saying I don't look pretty on other days." Ayan asked teasingly, his lips stretching into that beautiful smile that Akk adores. His cheeks were colouring a rosy pink because Akk was looking at him, and Akk called him pretty.

"You are always pretty, Aye." Akk says softly, coming out so sincere like he is truly in awe of Ayan's beauty, and maybe he is.

Akk has known Ayan is beautiful. He found Ayan beautiful the first day he saw him back then on the grounds of Suppalo. He found him beautiful when he chased him across the grounds of Suppalo, not understanding why Ayan made his heart flutter and his breath hitch.

But sometimes, he goes periods of noticing these things. It could be because of his disorder. He usually lives his life on autopilot, never paying attention to his surroundings. Basically, I rely on muscle memory to get through most of his days.

His psychologist tells him that when he does that, it's called detachment, but he doesn't care enough to dwell on it. He already has a lot of things wrong with him, so he doesn't want to add to the list.

Anyways today is one of those days he isn't relying on muscle memory to get through his day. He is there and present, and when he looks at Ayan preparing himself to go on a brunch date with Thua, he is in awe of pretty Ayan is.

"Are you trying to get into my pants?" Ayan joked as he fixed his hair one more time before his departure.

"Is it working?" Akk replied with a raised eyebrow and that ridiculous smug smile of his that made Ayan's knees go all numb and jelly-like.

"Akkkk," Ayan whined because Akk was being cute again, and cute Akk made him horny, and he couldn't afford being horny because he was already late for his brunch date with Thua

"You are so cute when you do that." Akk replied with a chuckle.

"Don't do that to me." Ayan whined again with a pout on full display.

"I am not doing anything." Akk replied with that smug expression on his face.

So, in the end, Ayan ends up being late to his brunch date with Thua, but he is all smiles, not even slightly remorseful at all.

"You look... you look happy." Thua commented when Ayan finally arrived.

"I am always happy." Ayan replied. He was basking in the afterglow of having his brains and back blown by his fiancé.

Ayan had noticed Akk's depressive episodes and noticed how his fiancé suffered from self-harm thoughts and suicidal ideations. Ayan had spent multiple nights crying, praying to the heaven's to let his Akk have peace of mind. To have at least one day where he he is happy or has some sense of joy in his life.

Today was that day, Akk was smiling. Genuinely smiling, a toothy grin with his eyes crinkling. He looked so beautiful and so beautiful that Ayan couldn't even pay attention to what Thua was saying. Ayan thinks he shouldn't even have left because every minute he spent away from Akk's beautiful smile and sparkling eyes was torturous.

"I am sorry, Thua, I need to go. I will make it up to you." Ayan said, grabbing his car keys and wallet. He didn't even wait for a response from Thua.

All Ayan knew was that he wanted to be with Akk. He wanted to stay in Akk's arm, take in his smile, and bask in the sound of his beautiful laughter. He just wanted his big foot.

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