chapter 24

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Akk wakes up in the guestroom of what was his house, his home, or maybe he should rather say that he wakes up in the guestroom. What will be his home? It's all very confusing to him, and he feels a headache coming. He is thankful that it is Saturday today, and there's no school because he doesn't think he will be able to face teacher Chadok or any of the Suppalo teachers if he is being honest.

This was all too much for him to bear, and he just wanted to go back to his own timeline. Yet because of the universe or because of his karma, he was stuck here. He had thought about it long and hard. Maybe he needs to fix his past mistakes, the whole curse thing, messing with the world remembrance gang and him being able to get out of Chadok's clutches.

Akk knows that Chadok is not necessarily a bad person, but he isn't also a good person. What sort of good person would manipulate a child into doing all the things Akk has done? Chadok might not have directly ordered him to do all those things, but he heavily implied it.

Now Akk is not passing the blame. He knows what he had done was horrible. He had lived his entire life regretting his life choices and believes he had paid for his mistakes despite the bad karma he seems to have.

Akk doesn't know if he fixes his past mistakes he will be able to go back to his own timeline, but he knows that he needs to do something. He can't spend his final year in high school brooding and being all depressed. Although being depressed for him was a state of being. He definitely can't spend it being Chadok's puppet, that's for sure.

First thing is first though, he needs to tell Ayan everything. He doesn't know if Ayan would believe him, but he knows he can't do this on his own. It will be a little difficult to convince him, but he has the advantage of knowing Ayan like he knows the back of his hand. He knows Ayan's worst fears and his deepest desires. So he believes he can convince him if Ayan could listen to him first without thinking he was insane and having him institutionalized.

Akk inhales deeply, taking a steadying breath before he wakes up to face his reality. He has decided to tell Ayan everything, including the part where they are madly in love with each other. He doesn't know if Ayan would believe that because they were kind of going through the enemy phase of their whole relationship a few weeks ago, or is it days? He is not sure. It has been years since he lived this life.

When he walks downstairs ,he finds that Ayan has made breakfast for them, well sort of. Ayan around this age wasn't a good cook, but it seemed he had made them cereal and poured juice for them, so that should qualify as making them breakfast.

"You are awake. I made breakfast. Well, sort of. I tried making an omelet ,but it kind of got burned ,so I got us cereal." Ayan says, holding a bowl of what seems to be captain crunch cereal.

"It looks great. Thanks." Akk says ,taking a seat.

"Did you sleep well?" Ayan asked ,sitting on the chair opposite him.

"I did thank you. And ,thank you again for allowing me to stay here."Akk says.

"No need to thank me. Besides ,I think I kind of forced you to stay here." Ayan says, his tone taking a playful turn.

"True." Akk says as he starts eating the cereal. It is too sweet for his liking. To be fair ,Ayan had forbidden anything with artificial sugar, artificial colouring, basically anything that wasn't organic in their house.

"So... how are you feeling?" Ayan asks after a while. Akk can tell what Ayan is thinking. He still thinks Akk is suicidal and depressed, and although he was right about the depressed part ,Akk was never suicidal. He only thought about ending his life would make him return to his own timeline like how when you fall down a cliff in your dreams ,you kind of wake up. Sort of like inception? Akk doesn't know if inception is the correct reference. He hasn't seen the movie in years, so give him a little break.

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