chapter 7.

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"Hey Aye." Khan greeted. Khan and Thua along with Wat came as soon as they received a text from Ayan telling them about their ER trip.

Ayan looked up and only nodded in acknowledgement. He was exhausted, everything that happened was overwhelming for him. He had a rough idea of what Akk was suffering from, but actually seeing it was just... he couldn't explain it or process it.

"How's Akk? What happened?" Thua asked.

"Akk-he is fine I guess." Ayan replied absent-minded. His thoughts were scarted, images of Akk's bloody arm raw and vivid in his mind.

"What happened Aye?" Wat asked.

"I don't know, he got upset and we argued I guess, the next moment he was bleeding. He-he hurt himself." Ayan replied with a heavy heart. Everything that had happened that night was a blur in Ayan's mind. Everything happened so fast, he couldn't have predicted that Akk would hurt himself. He should've been more careful, more alert.

"How? How did he hurt himself?" Khan asked.

"A knife, he cut himself. I couldn't stop him, I wasn't there in time." Ayan replied with a trembling voice. He felt so guilty, he was supposed to protect Akk. He was supposed to make him better, not worsen his condition.

The three friends were quiet, Akk history of suicidal attempts and self-harm were no secret. They did try to reach out to him, they tried to help him, stay by his side but he pushed them away. They felt guilty, they should've stayed by his side no matter how much he pushed them away.

That's what friends do, they stay by each other's side no matter what and they failed him. They failed Akk.

"How is he now?" Khan asked after a few minutes of silence.

"He is sedated now. After getting the wound on his arm was stitched the doctor informed him that he would have to be admitted in the psych ward for a mandatory involuntary 72 hours admission, he became frantic. He-he freaked out started yelling and demanded to be released ." Ayan said with a shaky voice.

"Are you okay Aye?" Thua asked gently squeezing Ayan's shoulder.

"I am okay. I am just tired." Ayan replied exhaling heavily. "I am going to check on Akk." He said.

"Okay we will go get you something to eat." Wat replied and Ayan nodded going to room Akk was sleeping in.

When Ayan walked in the room, he saw Akk sleeping peacefully. He looked tired, pale and that just tore Ayan's heart into pieces.

"Bigfoot." Ayan said brushing the strings of hair off Akk's forehead. "How can I help you? Tell me how I can take this burden away from you."

Akk had been sleeping for the past two hours after being injected with Ativan to calm him down since he was being hysterical. The moment he heard that he had to be admitted in the psych ward he began yelling, demanding to leave.

"Akk, remember you promised me that you won't disappear from me right? Please don't leave me bigfoot. Don't disappear from me please Akk." Ayan said, voice trembling and he began to cry.



Akk attempted to sit up, but was still feeling light headed. So he struggled a bit.

"How are you feeling?" Ayan said assisting Akk to sit up by placing pillows behind him.

"Don't let them take me Aye. Please I don't want to go there." Akk plead with Ayan.

"They have to Akk. It's for your own good. You hurt yourself." Ayan replied.

"It was a mistake okay, it's a misunderstanding.  Please Aye. You have to help me." Akk continued with his pleading with tears streaming down his plae cheeks.

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