chapter 25

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From the day that Akk had told Ayan basically everything, they came up with a plan that starter a whole revolution at Suppalo High. Akk starter by quitting his position as the head prefect, and slowly integrated himself with the world remembrance gang. It wasn't easy since the world remembrance gang had once seen him as an autocratic figure, but somehow Ayan won them over.

Of course, Akk wanted to let them know about being the reason behind the curse, but Ayan had stopped him. He had explained that it would make it difficult for the world remembrance gang to trust him, making their whole movement null and void.

"Listen, Akk, I know you feel guilty about this whole thing, but letting them know will only do more harm than good. You are already working with them to change things, and that's all that matters." Ayan had said, and although Akk did feel guilty, he understood Ayan's perspective.

Akk did have to sacrifice a lot, though. Once he quit his position as head prefect, Chadok had revoked his scholarship, and Akk almost had to leave school because the school fees were too expensive for him to afford. Fortunately, Ayan had contacted his mother, and Akk got some sort of scholarship with Ayan's mother. He did promise to pay her back every cent once he starts working.

The other issue was that Akk had a big fall out with his friends. They were very upset when he quit but were even more pissed about him joining the world remembrance gang. More Khan than Wat. Akk understood them, though, because they went from Akk being a very strict head prefect to him now joining and organizing protests. So it must be confusing for them.

"That’s it! We are going to talk this out now." Wat had said after weeks of them avoiding and glaring at each other.

"What's there to talk about? Akk has made his choice. I am actually convinced that he has lost his mind." Khan had argued.

"Wat. I appreciate you trying to fix this, but if Khan isn't willing to listen." Akk had said patiently.

"Fine Akk! You want me to listen. Go ahead and explain yourself." Khan had said impatiently.

"Khan... this isn't just about me rebelling for the fun of it. And this is more than just protesting against the use of school uniforms. It's about fighting for our rights to exist, to be able to attend school where we feel comfortable. School is supposed to be an environment that enhances our development into being better members of society, but how could we do that with all this discrimination and microaggressions?" Akk had explained.

"What are you talking about? Akk, Suppalo treats everyone equally." Khan had argued.

"Really Khan? Are you saying you don't see the blatant homophobia that is happening in our school? How queer pupils are treated as outcasts in our school? Isn't that the very same reason you don't want to be associated with Thua even though he was once a close friend of yours." Akk had replied.

"What?" Khan had said, mouth opening and closing as if he didn't know what to say exactly.

"Isn't it the case, Khan? You are scared that if you associate with Thua, you might be called gay right? Like that is a bad thing. Like being called gay is the worst thing that can happen. And don't you see how these rules and basically how this school is run is one of the major reasons why homophobia is such a big part of our school." Akk had said.

"Don't you think you are exaggerating? Making a big deal out of this?" Khan had asked.

"Exaggerating? Making a big deal?" Akk had asked laughing dryly, " A wise man once said 'privilige is invinsible to those who have it', and you right now are being the perfect example of that saying." He added.

"What are you talking about? Just because I am willing to respect the rules that formed a foundation of what Suppalo is, I am privileged?" Khan had argued.

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