chapter 8

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Ayan and Akk reached his house, he glanced at the passenger seat and saw Akk sleeping peacefully. It seems like car rides lulled Akk to sleep, he was like a kitten.

"Ai'Akk" Ayan said waking Akk up and the boy fluttered his eyes open, wiping the drool on the side of his mouth.

"We are here."Ayan said and Akk nodded stretching his arms.

"Let's head in na." Ayan said softly. He was extra soft towards Akk, trying his best not to purposefully annoy Akk no matter how tempting it was. All he wanted was to become Akk's safe space, his comfort zone.

He loved Akk, he loved Akk so much that it probably wasn't healthy.

"Okay." Akk replied with a yawn. He was exhausted, physically and emotionally. It wasn't a surprise though, putting up a facade and masking his emotions was both mentally and physically taxing.

Ayan grabbed Akk's stuff and led him inside the house where his mother was patiently waiting for them.

"Sawedee khâp Mae." Akk said with a wai.

"Hello Akk. How are you?" Ayan's mother said with a loving smile. Akk had a special place in her heart. The boy was the reason she probably still had her son with her.

She remembered how broken and lost Ayan was after Dika committed suicide. Her son never smiled, his eyes were dark and his heart filled with so much hate that it was terrifying. 

Ayan was revenge orientated when he forced to attend Suppalo high school. She had begged him to stay at his old school or even go study abroad but Ayan was stubborn and determined.

Shortly after Ayan started attending Suppalo she noticed a change in his behavior. His eyes lit up and his smile came back. He seemed happy, it seemed like he wasn't revenge orientated anymore.

She finally understood the reason for her son's behavior when she came home early one afternoon when she found Ayan and Akk sleeping peacefully while holding hands.

Just seeing them she knew that they were more than just good friends. She could tell that they really cared for each other.

Her suspicions were confirmed when she saw how Ayan looked at Akk, with a beaming smile and loving eyes. Ayan was laughing blissfully, genuinely laughing. And the reason behind that smile and laughter was this beautiful, doe eyed boy who was so polite and had a beautiful smile.

She remembered the conversation they had that evening like it happened yesterday.

"So Akk tell me is Ayan dating anyone or does he have a crush on anyone?"

She remembered clearly how flustered Akk was at that question glancing at Ayan. And she remembered the mischievous smile Ayan had on his face.

"Or are you dating anyone Akk?" 

"No doubt mom, look at him. Of course he is."

She could laugh remembering how flustered Akk was trying to clarify that he wasn't. How adorable they were when Akk scolded Ayan.

"Don't talk nonsense. Since when am I dating anyone?"

"Me. You are dating me."

Ayan was so loud and proud about his love and intentions in regards to Akk, he still is.

"I am good Mae, thank you. How are you Mae khâp?" Akk replied.

"I am good son thanks. You should go freshen up, dinner is almost ready." Ayan's mother said and Akk nodded, and headed upstairs.

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