chapter 12

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Akk and Ayan have been dating for months now. At first Ayan thought Akk was doing well, he even went back to the office for work. However the past few weeks Ayan noticed that Akk had been distant. Whenever Ayan would enquire what was wrong Akk would end up distract him with sex, and it worked.

As much as he loved having sex with Akk, it frustrated him that the taller would use it as a distraction to avoid talking to him.

The past week in particular Akk had grown more distant, he tried talking to him and each time he ended up naked on the bed three times already. He acknowledged that he was week to when it came to Akk's seduction tactics, he was only human.

However this time he was determined not to let Akk distract him, it didn't matter how incredibly irresistible Akk was when he turned up his charms. He hated being this emotional far away from Akk, it was very lonely.

He waited for Akk to come back home anxiously, he had cleaned the entire house and cooked dinner while waiting for his boyfriend to come back home from work.

Pacing back and forth he noticed that Akk was 10 minutes later, granted the taller had been coming home late these days. That was one of the tell tales that there's something wrong with Akk, something he wasn't telling him.

"Hey baby." Akk said making Ayan jolt up from the couch.

"You are home." Ayan said approaching Akk.

"Yeah...sorry I am late." Akk replied with brows furrowed in confusion, not familiar with the expression on Ayan's face.

"Can we talk?" Ayan asked and Akk nodded. He put his laptop bag on the coffee table and led Ayan to the couch to sit.

"What's up?" Akk asked curiously.

"Can you please tell me what's wrong?" Ayan asked holding his breath. He was anxious, Akk's behavior made him feel uneasy.

"Nothing is wrong. I am just tired because of work that's all." Akk replied, Ayan sighed exasperatly.

Akk was withholding information from him again. He knew Akk and he could tell when he was lying or hiding something, and now he can tell Akk was not telling him something.

"Akk please... I can tell that you are not telling me something." Ayan said searching Akk's gaze, the boy was clearly avoiding eye contact.

"It's nothing important... I am going to take a shower. Want to join me?" Akk replied, placing his hand on Ayan's exposed thigh as the shorter was wearing shorts.

"I would love to but can we please talk first." Ayan replied, he wasn't going to refuse taking a shower with Akk because that was one of his favorite activities. However he promised himself not to get distracted.

"How about we shower first, and..." Akk whispered in Ayan's ear that made the shorter's eyes widen.

Ayan was tempted, very tempted but he wasn't going to allow himself to get distracted at all. If he didn't get to the bottom of this now, he probably won't get the chance to.

"As much as I would love to do that, can you please talk to me first.' Ayan replied with his eyes clenched shut. Akk had snaked it's way under Ayan's shirt.

"We can always talk later." Akk whispered in Ayan's ear, and tugged Ayan's earlobe with his teeth.

"Akk..." Ayan said with his voice cracking. He was slowly losing the battle to Akk's seduction.

"Shhh." Akk said peppering Ayan's neck with wet slobby kisses.

Akk was using sex as a way to avoid confrontation, including confronting his own feelings. It was better than self-harm, and it felt much better leaving no scars. Well except a few hickies but he didn't mind those.

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