chapter 14

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Akk and Ayan had a surprisingly good week at Akk's hometown. Akk was able to have a real heart to heart conversation with his mother and it was a real tear jerker, even Ayan was in tears and he wasn't even there.

When they got back to Bangkok Akk returned to work while Ayan worked on opening his firm in Bangkok, he decided to settle there since his heart was there.

Akk was there.

Akk was now consistent with his therapy sessions, he was being more open with his feelings. Their relationship had never been better, Ayan was truly happy. Happy that he came back to Thailand, happy he was back with Akk and happy that he gets to continue his career in changing lives as a human rights lawyer.

"How have you been?" Thua asked Ayan, the two had been spending a lot of time together since they were going to be working together.

"I have been great. I have never been happier actually." Ayan replied with a smile.

"That’s great... I have been able to see you lately. We should hang out more, maybe dinner or we can all go on a weekend getaway." Thua said, despite it being months since they had all reunited they haven't been socializing much. The only time he got to see Ayan was at work.

"Yeah that would be great... it's just Akk isn't comfortable yet with hanging out with people." Ayan replied. Although Akk had been doing great both physically and mentally he still didn't want to go out and socialize with others, all he wanted was to stay at home with Ayan.

He didn't mind Ayan going out, he infact encouraged him to.

"I thought he was doing better now." Thua said and Ayan nodded briefly.

"He is doing great, he just isn't a people's person you know." Ayan replied.

"Well we aren't just people, we are his friends and we care about him." Thua said and Ayan sighed.

Ayan knew Thua meant well and he understood that Thua and the rest of their friends only want what's best for Akk, but he didn't want to force Akk out of his shell. He knew if he did he will only make Akk retreat even further into his shell.

"I know Thua, but this things take time. Just be patient with him okay." Ayan replied and Thua nodded deciding to drop the topic. Ayan seemed happy so he will take that as assurance that Akk was actually doing okay.

Even though him and Akk were not as close as the rest of them, he cared about him especially since his husband adored the man.

When Ayan got back home he noticed Akk's home in the driveway which was strange because he was usually the first one home. Akk usually got home an hour after him, he got anxious hoping nothing was wrong.

He was scared that maybe things had been too good to be true. So he walked into the house anxiously and was pleasantly surprised to walk in and find Akk cooking.

"You are home early." Ayan said wrapping his arms around Akk's waist giving him a back hug.

"Well I wanted to cook dinner for someone special." Akk replied and put his hands on Ayan's hands that were now resting on his belly.

"What's the occasion?" Ayan asked resting his head on Akk's back. He held on to Akk tightly, grateful that nothing was wrong.

"I have something to tell you... and we'll ask you too." Akk replied and Ayan removed his head. Curious as what Akk wanted to tell him he separated himself from the older to allow him to face him.

"Is there something wrong?" Ayan asked, anxiety clearly evident on his face.

"Come with me." Akk said and grabbed Ayan's hand leading him into the living room.

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