chapter 19

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Akk and Aye had been doing good the past few months. They even adopted the cutest grey Scottish fold kitten with a cute purple nose. Ayan decided to call it Vaanjoy for whatever reason, and Akk just accepted it because it's Ayan, the love of his life.

Akk has been so indulgent in whatever Ayan wanted that he even ended up agreeing to host their friends for dinner once a month. It is a thing Thua and Ayan decide to do so everyone can be closer to each other. Akk really didn't care for socialising. It wasn't much to do with his 'condition', he has been doing much better in that aspect. It was more that he genuinely didn't like socialising. He liked his own space. Just him and Ayan.

However, when Ayan looked at him with those puppy-like pleading eyes, he couldn't really say no. Akk is a weak man when it came to Ayan, and he wasn't even ashamed of it. He would do just about anything to see his love smile, even if it meant going hiking or stupid dinner with their friends.

Tonight was one of those nights where they were hosting dinner. Ayan was busy cooking in the kitchen, looking so fine it was distracting. Akk just wanted to take him to bed and do unspeakable things to him. Even in the kitchen was fine.

"Stop staring at me and set up the table." Ayan said, not even looking up at him.

"But you are so fun to look at. It's much more fun than setting the table." Akk said in a whiny tone.

"Ai' Akk. Please behave, Wat and his partner will be here soon. And Thua texted me saying that he and Khan are only a few minutes away. 10 minutes the most." Ayan scolded while stirring the stir fry? Akk wasn't really sure what Ayan was making except that it smelled really good, and he looked really good making it. However, Akk can't deny that Ayan would look better underneath him, naked. Even though the grey slacks he was wearing made his ass fantastic to look at.

"10 minutes is more than enough." Akk responded, now standing behind Ayan wrapping his arms around Ayan's slim waist in a back hug.

"Akkk! We can't." Ayan said softly, all while leaning into his touch.

"Just a few minutes, Aye.. " Akk said, planting kisses on Ayan's neck.

"Mmmh... Akk, I need to finish cooking." Ayan said softly, like the idea of Akk stopping pained him.

"We can order in. I am sure the guys won't mind." With that being said, Akk bit Ayan's neck, making the latter half-moan and half-gasp.

Ayan looked so beautiful with his pink lips slightly parted that Akk wanted to ruin him, ravish him until he forgot his name. However, because the universe was against him, the door bell rang.

"Go get the door." Ayan said softly.

"I don't want to." Akk said, peppering Ayan's neck with kisses. And he really didn't want to, especially half-hard in his pants.

"Akk! Be a good boy and behave. I promise I will make it up to you thoroughly tonight." With that promise, Akk's half-hard cock twitched.

"Mark your words, shortstop." Akk said and bit Ayan's neck, sinking his canine into the soft flesh before licking it in a soothing manner.

"Akk!" Ayan growled.

Ayan fixed his clothes so he appeared at least presentable before welcoming in his guests.

"Oh! You are all here." Akk said as soon as he opened the door and found all his friends there at the same time.

"Nice to see you too Akk." Wat said sarcastically whereas Khan flew himself to Akk giving him a tight hug.

"Hello Akk." Thua said sweetly.

"Mn." Akk inclined his head in greeting while still being crushed by Khan.

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