chapter 9

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"I am going to take the food upstairs. Akk and I will have dinner in my room." Ayan said entering the dining room where his mother was waiting.

"Ao! Why?" His mother asked a little surprised.

"Akk is a bit tired and is feeling kind of anxious as well." Ayan replied while putting the food on a tray.

"Can't we have dinner first? The two of us." His mother said looking a bit disappointed. She was looking forward to having dinner with her son since she rarely saw him.

"I am sorry ma. I can't let Akk eat alone, chances are he probably won't eat anything at all." Ayan replied.

"Okay. I guess we can eat breakfast together then." His mother replied, she was disappointed but was trying to be understanding. Ayan loved Akk, and Ayan prioritized those he loved. It was just the kind of person he was, it didn't make it less painful though.

"Thank you for understanding ma."  Ayan said and his mother nodded. She felt like she needed to be understanding, she didn't want to push Ayan away.

"Oh and ma, Akk and I are going to Chaing Mai tomorrow." Ayan stated picking up two bottles of water and placing them on the tray next to the plates if food.

"What? Why so suddenly? He just came back from the hospital." His mother said, she wasn't really on board with this whole thing.

"Akk needs a break ma, so a getaway will do us good." Ayan replied.

"Aye I don't think this a good idea." His mother said honestly. She was worried that Akk might relapse, what if he tries to harm himself again. How can Ayan handle it if they are all the way in Chaing Mai.

"Ma please. He needs this, we need this." Ayan replied.

"Aye... can't you wait a week or two? Just until after his first follow-up visit with the psychiatrist." His mother tried to reason with him.

"Ma. I know you are worried but trust me, this is what's best for him." Ayan replied and his mother nodded. She didn't really agree with the whole thing but she decided to trust Ayan, that's all she could do considering how stubborn her son can be.

"See you in the morning." Ayan said exiting the dining room with the tray of food and water in his hands.

"Okay good-night na." His mother said heaving a heavy sigh. A mother's job is to worry about their child, it doesn't matter how old they were you would still worry.

Ayan brought the food in his bedroom, only to find Akk staring blankly outside the window.

"Akk, I brought dinner. Come, let's eat." Ayan said and Akk shook his head not turning to look at Ayan.

"Akk please..." Ayan said softly. He expected this, Akk's behavior was pretty predictable at this point.

"Akk can you please jus-"

"Please hold me Aye." Akk said cutting the boy off and taking him by surprise.

This he didn't expect at all.

"What?" Ayan replied walking towards Akk who was still looking out of the window.

"Can I get a hug?" Akk said facing Ayan, looking at him with his big doe eyes. As beautiful as his eyes were, they were tired, dark circles encapsulating them.

"Of course." Ayan replied softly and engaged the taller into a warm embrace. Akk laid his head on Ayan's shoulder basking in the warmth embrace.

"Are you okay?" Ayan asked running his free hand through Akk's hair making the older make a sound that sounded like purring.

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