chapter 21

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When Akk woke up alone in his old dorm room, it was confirmed he had somehow travelled back in time. Or maybe he had lost his damn mind. He wasn't convinced in actually scratching that off the list. Or maybe he was dreaming, and in his dream, he had gone to sleep? Okay, maybe the last option sounded a little far-fetched. However, all these options meant one thing, he was stuck in this hell hole without Ayan.

Akk could feel his heart shatter into a million pieces because a life without Ayan is not actually worth living, not really. Ayan was the only thing keeping him alive, his lifeline. Would Ayan be mad at him if he ended his life here? Probably. Ayan would probably revive him just to scold him and give him his disappointed sad look that was probably a much worse fate than death.

His phone suddenly rang, startling Akk. He looked at it like it was an alien object or that it had personally offended him and carefully picked it up “Hello?” He sounded unsure.

“Akk! Where are you? We couldn’t find you at school. Are you still sick? Should I come over?” Khan’s voice ran through the speaker. He sounded out of breath, like he just stopped running.

“Ah” Akk didn’t know how to answer. He was still processing everything. What should he say? "No, I am okay. Khan just travelled back in time to the worst time in my life. Thank you for asking." So instead, he stayed silent with a million thoughts running in his head.

“Akk? Are you okay?” Now Khan sounded really worried. Akk could hear Wat in the background, asking him what was happening. He shook his head, trying to focus and stop the anxiety that was threatening to rise inside him.

“Yes, I’m okay” he tried to sound unaffected, but he didn’t know if he did a good job. “Just, um… my alarm didn’t ring, I’ll be…” he hesitated, gulping down the knot in his throat “… at Suppalo in a few”

“Okay man, but hurry up or you’ll be late”

Akk closed his eyes for a second and took a deep breath “Yeah, see you” Without waiting for a response, he hung up and threw the phone on the bed. Placing his hands in his eyes, he curled inwards. Khan didn’t correct him. He really was back in his Suppalo days. Why was fate so cruel towards him? Hadn't he suffered enough? The gods surely have a weird sense of humour.

Akk let out a shaky breath, pressing one hand on his chest, trying to calm down his anxiety. If he was really in the past, he had to calm down and not be suspicious. He had to act like he did back then and find a way to go back to his time. Yes, he was gonna do that because the thought Ayan waking up and not finding him there just sent a pang of hurt to his chest. But he didn’t even know how or why he got here in the first place. Just thinking about it was making his head hurt. Maybe this was some devine punishment from the gods for all the shit he did.

Akk tried to compose himself as he got up from his bed and picked up his uniform. Putting it on absent-mindedly. When he had to put on the school pin, he caressed it with his thumb, remembering the moment he and Ayan exchanged them.

"Aye." He murmured to himself, thinking about the love of his life was the only thing that kept him going honestly. He had to fix this and go back home, go back to his zhiji, to Vaanjoy.

While he was going to Suppalo, his mind was trying to think about a plan of action. First, he had to know for certain when he was exactly. Had he started the curse already? Did Ayan arrive to suppalo? Just as he thought of that, he paused. God, Ayan. What if he wasn’t here? What if he was, but it wasn’t his Ayan? Just the mere thought of being without Ayan, his Ayan, brought tears to his eyes. If Ayan was not here, he didn’t know what he would do. He was the one who supported him through all that happened in Suppalo. Ayan was the one who saved his life more than once.

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