chapter 4

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Akk spent the weekend at Ayan's place, it was peaceful and Ayan didn't really pester him with questions. Instead Ayan made him feel safe, heard and understood. Although Ayan would force him to eat he didn't mind it that much because Ayan home cooked meals were good.

It was Sunday today and Ayan had cooked Akk breakfast again, that was the only way to get Akk to eat because it seemed like he was responsive to his meals. If it was anything other than what Ayan had cooked, Akk would refuse it.

Honestly how is he going to survive without Ayan? He will probably starve himself again.

Akk would starve himself because he didn't like eating, food had started to taste bland to him, it didn't matter how much he would season them they would still taste the same, bland. Yet since that bowl of shrimp Ayan gave to him it tasted different, it was tolerable and perhaps tasted good.

Akk sat quietly on the dinning table enjoying the egg fried rice Ayan had cooked for him. Even though they had spent almost the entire weekend together , the two weren't really talking. Sure they would exchange pleasantries but that was about it. Akk tried leaving multiple times but Ayan wouldn't let him go, not until he was certain Akk was okay.

At this rate he might as well keep Akk to himself in his house.

"Aye I need to go to my place, I have work tomorrow." Akk said while they were eating breakfast.

"I understand all of that. I can drop you off at your place so you can pick your stuff up before we drive back here." Ayan said nonchalantly as if he just didn't suggest to Akk that they must move in together, or rather that Akk must move in with him.

"What do you mean before we drive back here?" Akk asked with furrowed eyebrows.

"I mean you are going to be staying with me for a while." Ayan answered again nonchalantly as if this wasn't a big deal. Which to Akk it was. You can't just move in with your ex after having been reunited less than a week.

"Are you out of your mind? I am not moving in with you." Akk answered with a frown.

Ayan was still the same. Stubborn and always did what he wanted irregardless of any objections he might encounter.

"Okay I will move in with you then." Ayan said leaving Akk practically speechless. He would be lying if he said he couldn't believe his ears right now, it seems like Ayan didn't change one bit.

"Why are you being so stubborn." Akk said narrowing his eyes at Ayan.

"I am not being stubborn you are." Ayan said before taking a spoonful of rice into his mouth.

"I swear to God Aye sometimes you make me want to punch you." Akk said and Ayan chuckled"Same rule still applies Bigfoot. You punch me once, I kiss you once." He said making a kissy face.

"Shameless" Akk said and left the dining room to go upstairs into the bedroom. He had to get away from Ayan before he noticed the blush that crept up in his pale face. He still couldn't believe how Ayan's shameless remarks made him have an inner panic.

He remembers clearly the first time Akk said those shameless words to him.

"You punch me once, I kiss you once."

They were 18 and in their senior year of high school. Ayan was rebellious and not adhering to any rules, which pissed off Akk as he was the head prefect. Everyone else seemed to follow the rules, they looked up to him and even admired him expect Ayan.

The fact that Ayan had a hidden agenda as to why he moved to Suppalo after nearly 2 weeks school started didn't bother Akk that much. It was the fact that the boy would shamelessly flirt with him, which would be rather confusing for Akk. He wasn't sure of his sexuality yet, one thing he knew for sure was that he didn't like girls.

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