chapter 5

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"Hey Akk." Ayan said softly trying to wake up a sleeping Akk by the passenger side. He looked adorable with his lips pouting and his cheeks flushed from the heat. He reached his hand to caress his cheek and whispered again "Akk. Wake up we are here."

"Mmmh." Akk hummed as he stirred awake.

"Come, let's go we are here." Ayan said softy.

"Where are we?" Akk asked as he looked around and stretched his arms with a yawn. Ayan smiled looking at this adorable image of Akk.

"Come and see for yourself." Ayan said as he got out of the car followed by Akk.

Akk looked around and noticed the place looked strangely familiar. They were at the beach, not any beach but the one where him and Ayan got really close at. He could remember it clear as day light.

It was after that horrific night back in high school when Akk almost burned the school to the ground. Akk doesn't even want to think of what would have happened if Ayan didn't come and stop him that night.

Back then Akk though what he was doing was for the school's benefit. He was just protecting his school's pride and preserving the rules passed down to him. He didn't know of any other way to do it except to bring Suppalo's curse back. With teacher Chadok pressuring him, he honestly saw no way out.

He could clearly remember the look of disapproval in Ayan's eyes when he questioned him that night.

"You are the one who brought back Suppalo's curse back isn't it?"

"Can you tell me the truth."

"You can talk to me."

The boy's words rang in his head as they walked slowly across the beach in silence. Akk could remember it clearly.

"If I wanted to expose you, I would have done it the first day I met you."

"I saw you Akk, you were the one who caused the car to attack those students. Before you ran back to take your perfect prefect role, the rule keeper."

He remembered how his heart raced and how he tighten his hands into a fist. Ayan had figured him out, he knew the truth. He tried to put on a brave face back then, hide the fear that flashed in his eyes.

"The more I traced it, the clearer it became that you were the one that brought the curse back."

He stopped walking and looked at Ayan who was now a few steps ahead of him. He looked around with tears threatening to fall when he remembers how they sat on the beach sand with a small wood fire next to them.

Ayan was questioning him, not in an accusatory or judgemental way but in a way to understand him. To understand his actions.

Back then he tried so hard to hold back his tears, he didn't want Ayan to find him weak and lacking as a leader, the head prefect should always be perfect, strong and definitely not weak. He was supposed to lead, it didn't matter how hard it was or how heavy the burden of being the head prefect was. He had to do it. People counted on him, his friends, his fellow students and teacher Chadok.

"To uphold Suppalo's rules."

He remembered answering the boy, only for him to call bullshit on his excuse. Ayan could see right through him then, even now he still does.

"I don't want the school's reputation to be ruined while I am still the head prefect, not under my ruling."

He admitted to the boy. The prefect before him always had everything under control, everyone abided by the rules, there wasn't any chaos like with his reign. This somehow left him lacking, he didn't want to disappoint people who put so much trust in him. People like teacher Dika, who understood him and believed in him.

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