chapter two

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Akk fluttered his eyes open and his eyes were met with an unfamiliar room. He clearly wasn't dead, the place didn't look like a hospital room either so where the hell was he? His eyes continued to roam around the room, the more his eyes roamed the  more the room looked familiar. It felt like he had been there before.

It's feels too homey to be a hotel room

It can't be any of his  friend's room. Lord knows he had none of that.

Maybe he did die and he was in hell. Yet it's too peaceful and looks inviting to be hell.

Akk grunted as he tried to sit up. He still had a throbbing headache, which definitely convinced him that he wasn't dead because if he was dead why would he be in such agonizing pain.

He managed to drag his body out of bed and decided to look around the place. He noticed his clothes were changed and he was now wearing a black graphic T-shirt and a pair of black shorts.

He was still feeling light headed, and other than the throbbing headache his body felt like it was a hit by a train reminding him how weak he was.

He had always been weak, it was nothing new to him.

As he kept roaming around the room he came across a painting that looked strangely similar. It was a beautiful painting of a sunset by the beach. It brought up feelings of nostalgia. It was like he had been there before.

He traced the painting gently with his forefinger, while trying to figure out why this painting looked so familiar to him. Why does it feel like home?

Home? Of course! The painting looked like the beach back at his home town in Pattaya.

As his pale, slender forefinger slowly traced the painting he noticed scribblings at the bottom right of the painting. He narrowed his eyes trying to read what was written.

"Aye" Wait that can't be Aye as in Ayan right? It can't be! Why would out of all places would...

Before he could finish his train of thoughts he heard the sound of the door knob click and a familiar voice called out to him.

"Akk... you are awake?"

He turned around and seeing who it was, all of the memories hit him. The reason of of the nostalgic feeling and how familiar the room looked to him. He had been here countless times in the past.

"Aye..." he said softly, staring at this handsome young man with a beaming smile and sparkling eyes.

Aye hadn't changed much, he was still handsome and his smile still lights up a room.

"How are you feeling?" Ayan asked as he slowly approached Akk, and Akk instinctively took a step backwards. Ayan looked at him puzzled at first but broke into a smile.

"What am I doing here?" Akk asked, his voice was a bit low and hoarse and he spoke softly. Ayan smiled and took a few steps towards Akk and this time Akk didn't step backwards.

"You fainted." Ayan answered as he looked into Akk's tired dark orbs. "It looks like you haven't been getting any sleep. Why are you making me worry about you huh big foot?" Ayan said as he caressed Akk's cheek gently.

Akk clenched his eyes shut as he felt Akk's warm soft hand brush against his cheek. He felt a tingling sensation in his stomach and his heart beat raced.

The heart he thought was dead was once again beating vigorously reminding him that he was alive.

"Aye.." he said softly, almost in a whisper. He didn't think that after all these years, the boy infront of him will still have this effect on him.

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