chapter 22

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"What is going on here?" A very familiar voice asked, a voice that made Akk tense up and stand up straight. Wiping off all his tears with his sleeves.

"Sir Akk-" Wat was cut off by Akk, who answered on his behalf.

"Nothing, sir. I just needed some air." Akk said through gritted teeth. He never expected to see Chadok ever again, at least not this version of Chadok. The one who tormented him and psychologically abused him, even though Akk didn’t know it was that at the time.

"This is not appropriate behaviour for the head prefect. I hope you will compose yourself and offer a proper apology to teacher Waree." Chadok said sternly, and Akk nodded.

"Very well. All of you back to class now." Chadok said sternly, and they all nodded except for Ayan, who was still looking at Akk with worried eyes. Satisfied Chadok left them alone.

Akk separated himself from Khan with trembling legs, and looking down, he was the first one to leave the rooftop. They quickly followed him, not wanting to lose sight of him after everything that happened.

“Akk!” Akk heard his friends run after him, quickly catching up to him, and Khan grabbed his arm, stopping him in the middle of the corridor “Are you okay?” he asked.

“I am” Akk replied, but he was still shaking, and the wetness in his eyes was noticeable.

“What was that?” Wat asked in a worried tone.

Akk took a deep breath and shook his head “Nothing” his voice was trembling just as his hands, and he refused to make eye contact with them.

"That was not nothing, Akk... you almost -" Ayan said, his voice trembling a bit.

Akk knew that Ayan’s uncle killed himself in a similar fashion, and he almost did the same thing right now. Even if this Ayan did not love him yet, he wouldn't do that to him. He shouldn't have done that to him, and he felt terrible. He had almost caused the one person he loved more than anything in this world.

"I know” he said and looked at Ayan with sad eyes “I’m sorry, Aye, no, sorry” he shook his head as if realizing his mistake “Ayan”

"I still think we should take you to the infirmary. Just to make sure you are alright." Wat offered, but Akk just shook his head.

"No, I am fine. It's just... I shouldn’t be here." Akk tried to explain, but somehow words wouldn't cooperate with him.

"You keep saying that. What do you mean?" Ayan asked, a frown showing on his beautiful face. This is wrong! Ayan shouldn't be frowning. He deserves smiles and laughter. And Akk was the cause of that frown on that beautiful face. It was all wrong.

Akk closed his eyes, counted to ten, and took a deep breath before he looked at Ayan again.

"It's okay, everything will be over tomorrow,” Akk said “Hopefully”

“Akk you're scaring us with all that criptic shit” Khan said, now frowning as well.

“It’s okay, I just have to sleep” Akk said, talking to himself “I’ll sleep and everything will go back to normal” he muttered “I’m going home” he announced like he had just had some sort of revelation.

“If you think we’re letting  go you alone after what you almost did you’re wrong” Khan said in a tone that suggested he wasn't negotiating with him but just telling him how things are going to be. Like his word was final.

“If you leave we’re going with you” Wat told him.

Akk looked at them for the first time since the rooftop, and all of them were wearing matching worried and scared expressions.

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