chapter 13

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Ayan was watching Akk sleep soundly, he looked so peaceful. All Ayan wanted to do was protect Akk and take all his pain away.

"Why are you staring at me while I am sleeping?" Akk said with his deep morning voice.

"I am not staring, just admiring my boyfriend." Ayan replied.

"Why are you up so early?" Akk asked wrapping his arm around Ayan pulling him closer to his body.

"Are you going to work today?" Ayan asked running his hand through Akk's fluffy hair.

"Nah I am going to take a personal day." Akk replied nuzzling against Ayan's neck.

"So what are your plans for the day?" Ayan asked softly playing with Akk's hair.

"I want to go home and see my mom. Will you come with me?" Akk asked retreating his head from Ayan's neck to look up at him.

"No need to ask. Of course I will." Ayan replied.

"Thank you." Akk replied smiling and Ayan gently kissed his lips.

Akk called his office and put in a week's personal leave, him and Ayan drove to his hometown that day.

Akk was nervous, anxious and honestly scared. He had blamed himself for his father's death for so long that he ended up believing. So he kept wondering if his mother also blames him, if not for his father's death maybe for abandoning her.

"Are you okay?" Ayan asked and Akk nodded with a faint smile.

"You will be fine love." Ayan said placing his hand on Akk's thigh and gently squeezed it to reassure the older.

"Thank you." Akk said and Ayan nodded giving the older a reassuring smile.

When they got to Akk's home, his heart almost jumped out of his chest. The thought of seeing his mother after such a long time, his home still looked the same with minor noticeable renovations.

"Hello ma." Akk said to the older woman who was sitting outside.

His mother looked older, a bit frail, with grey hair but she still looked beautiful. She was as graceful as ever, only her eyes glistened with sadness. But how could Akk blame her with what she's been through?

"Akk? Is that you?" The woman said squinting her eyes to take a better look at Akk.

"Khâp Mae." Akk replied with his voice cracking a bit, he had tears welled up in his eyes.

"My baby." His mother said engaging him in a tight hug. It was as if she was hallucinating, she hugged Akk so tight as if she was holding on for dear life.

They both cried, emotions were high. Ayan basked at this beautiful reunion with tears welled up in his eyes.

He was happy to see the love of his life reunited with the woman who gave birth to him. It was a beautiful scene to see.

After everyone had calmed down, Akk's mother immediately began cooking all of Akk's favorite meals. Akk and Ayan went to his old room, everything was still the same.

His mother kept his room the same way he had left it, only coming in to clean it and dust it. She would come in there everytime she missed the boy, she spent many years crying in that room. Praying to the gods and heavens for her son's safe return.

With Akk back she felt like her prayers were heard.

Akk roamed around the room, looking at every single detail. Reminiscing about all the nights he spent with Ayan there, before he pushed him away.

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