Chapter 2: Release Shadow

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Chapter 2: Release Shadow

Prison Island 8:45 PM

Eggman had arrived at Prison Island just as the day was ending with a huge grin, which he always wore on his face whenever it came to being late for something. The island itself was quite large, with some of the bigger buildings made from stone or brick, and a few others that seemed to be made purely out of metal. Eggman was quite fond of them because of their unique looks and designs. 

"Well, here we are. The Prison Island," said Eggman, smiling broadly and placing his hands on his hips while staring around in wonderment. He took a step forward, while two robots looked nervous behind him. They were wondering why he was so thrilled when they saw the place. It wasn't exactly a nice place by any definition, although it was certainly creepy in this jungle.

"Uh, sir, why are we here in the jungle?" asked Cubot who couldn't help but look concerned. He hadn't seen Eggman this excited in a long time.

"We're here because I want to show you all my inventions!" Eggman told him enthusiastically, gesturing grandly towards the giant metal doors. He walked forwards confidently, his robot guards following closely behind him, and reached up for one of the keys hanging off of chains hanging on the wall of the prison. "I've invented a lot of stuff over the years, and now I'm ready to put them to good use." The key dangled from the hook where his hand used to be, and he began unlocking the lock. Cubot tried not to think about how his eyes followed every movement.

The door swung open, allowing them both entrance into the dark interior of the prison. They went inside, this place looked abandoned and desolate. There were no guards, nobody in sight at all, and there was no sound besides what they could hear coming from within the room.

"This place is...  eerie," murmured Orbot, looking around the empty corridors. Nobody was around. It looked like this prison was deserted.

Eggman smiled slightly at him before continuing towards the cells in the back. Cubot and Orbot wondered what was behind these locked gates, as far as he knew this place had been completely empty. He tapped the keycard on the slot in front of one of the doors to unlock it, and they waited as the cell opened silently. The doors creaked loudly as he stepped through. Cubot shivered involuntarily and glanced to his left nervously as he heard a low growling noise. "Are you alright, Orbot?" he whispered anxiously.

Orbot nodded quickly. "It's nothing, don't worry," he replied reassuringly.

Eggman waved them to come inside before closing the cell once more. Once the three of them were inside, they immediately noticed something different about the cells. It was a laboratory, there were no bars anywhere, only small glassy windows that didn't seem to be very high up. They all stared around the place, trying to see if there was anything else unusual about these cells. Cubot even pointed at something.

"Hey, what's that over there?" He peered at something in the chamber of cells. His robot partner moved to join him, and they both looked at the object in interest. Orbot gasped audibly at what he saw. The glass was frozen with ice, and it didn't seem to have anything alive in it whatsoever. Even the rats had been scared away by the coldness. "It looks like an animal-" He began. The sound of footsteps echoed through the hallways. "Sir?!" Cubot and Orbot turned to stare at Eggman.

"I wonder what's inside that chamber," he murmured, gazing into the ice chamber with intense curiosity. He looked over at them. "You can go ahead and check it out if you want, you must be curious about what could possibly live in there." Cubot and Orbot exchanged glances hesitantly.

"Uh, I'd rather not," said Cubot, shaking his head slowly. "I have enough trouble dealing with animals already, it's probably best to stay away." Orbot shook his head as well. He hated going near such dangerous things. Besides, he didn't feel very comfortable investigating an unknown creature when Eggman was present.

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