Ch 18: Shadow's Pain, Sonic's Comforting

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Chapter 18: Shadow's Pain, Sonic's Comforting

The team separated in the ARK to find different ways of stopping the energy before it impacted the Earth. Amy was left behind and told to play Bejeweled Blitz on the computer with a disappointed and bored look on her face. She wanted to help them and be useful, but Eggman forced her to play computer games because she had no power or battle tactics.

'Man, this isn't fair. Why can't I help and join the team? I felt like I did nothing!' Amy groaned as she laid her down on the computer desk, 'Why do they have to keep me out when they need me most?'

*ARK Base*

Tails opened the panels to reveal the wires inside. He started his analysis of all the circuits in front of him while looking for anything that could stop the blast. Rouge watched in awe of his genius mind.

"Wow, Tails, you are really good at this..." said Rouge in an impressed tone as she crossed her arms over her chest.

"Thanks! This is just what I always dreamed of doing... I wonder how Sonic would react if he knew how much I had to learn from him to get to this point." He thought for a moment as his mind went back to the days when they were kids and they played together. Tails carefully cut the wire, his hands steady and precise. The room held its breath as everyone watched, hoping that this would be the solution they needed. As the wire was severed, a surge of electricity sparked and crackled, causing the lights to flicker momentarily.

Suddenly, a low hum resonated throughout the base, signaling that something had changed. Tails cautiously glanced at the control panel, his eyes widening in disbelief. The countdown had stopped. The imminent threat of destruction had been averted. Tails breathed a sigh of relief and Rouge patted his shoulder.

"Well done, Tails! You saved the day!" Rouge exclaimed, giving Tails a huge smile.

"Thank you, Rouge! It really means a lot to me! But we have to look for Sonic and the others now," he said quickly as he jumped to his feet and walked towards the door. "Right behind you!" Rouge replied with a nod before following him out the door.

*At the Security System*

Eggman was cutting the circuit wires to turn off the energy, which worked perfectly. Now all the danger from that explosion would be nullified and the planet wouldn't suffer any damage from the force. "Perfect! Everything should work fine now," he said triumphantly, "Just one more thing to add to my list of inventions to improve upon!"

He communicated Tails with a walkie-talkie to let him know the plan was working.

"Tails, everything's working. How does it go?" he asked. A few seconds later Tails' voice came through, "Everything's good. We're still trying to locate the others. We'll try to communicate again in a bit."

After hearing that, Eggman frowned slightly; he hoped Tails had found Sonic before the energy ran out. "Roger. I'll be counting on you," he replied as he began to communicate with Rouge, "Alright, Rouge, once I've finished, you'll have to go to the core and drain the liquid energy for Sonic and Knuckles so they can proceed."

"Roger," she answered before turning to leave the room. Eggman turned towards the main computer, where he had already placed the new data. "There we go. All ready to go to work! And I hope to see your face soon enough," said Eggman.

*At the Core System*

As Rouge hurried towards the Core System, her footsteps echoed through the dimly lit corridor. The air was heavy with anticipation as she approached her destination. The Core System, the heart of Dr. Eggman's operation, was a massive, pulsating chamber filled with intricate machinery and glowing energy conduits.

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