Chapter 13: Sonic's Feelings

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Chapter 13: Sonic's Feelings

Amy was mending Sonic's wound after fighting with the golem. He had broken ribs, not very fatal, but it would take a while to heal.

"There, all done!" Amy said, smiling at him. "Better?"

"Yeah. Thanks, Ames." Sonic grinned at her.

"Anytime. Now you should rest. I have lots of cookies and stuff in the kitchen, you know. I don't even want to think about what happened back there because I have no desire to ever hear anything like that again. It was horrible! That stupid golem nearly destroyed us." said Amy.

"Yeah, I know what you mean. But hey, how many times have we been through this already? We're stronger than before, and so much stronger now, we can totally kick some golem's butt!" said Sonic, flexing his bicep.

Amy rolled her eyes and sighed. "You really are too cocky, aren't you? I'm telling you, you can't just fight them head-on! You need to be smarter! How did you ever beat rock monster before? You didn't even know how to use your powers yet." She shook her head.

"I've awakened my power earlier since I've learned to control it. And I guess I got lucky that Rockhead attacked me when he didn't see me using them! Plus, I can fly, so I don't need to worry as much about being ambushed!" replied Sonic, grinning smugly.

Sonic got up from the bed and walked to the main control room where Knuckles relaxed in his seat and Tails was steering the ship through the space.

"So, Tails, how far are we going to the ARK?" asked Sonic.

"Not too far, Sonic! I'm sure we'll arrive soon enough," answered Tails, still concentrating hard on flying. Sonic was impressed.

"Well, that's great, cuz I can't wait to see the inside of that place! And Eggman is gonna be there. I hope I get to punch the guy in the face. Or kick his ass." said Sonic.

"Well, if he gets anywhere near you, Sonic, I'll make sure he doesn't live long enough to get close to us," Tails said. "Plus, Shadow's probably going to show up too, along with Dr. Robotnik."

"Oh yeah, that reminds me, those guys were working together on this plan, right?" asked Sonic, trying to hide his blush.

"That's right. They are planning something big...something huge." Said Tails. "It makes me wonder why they chose to work with Eggman in the first place. I mean, I don't understand why they worked with him when he tried to kill you."

Sonic crossed his arms over his chest and gave Tails a serious look. "I know. It was weird, especially when Shadow suddenly turned against us. Like, for a second there, I thought he actually wanted to join Eggman." He looked away from Tails and thought about it for a bit. Suddenly his mind flashed Shadow kissed Sonic on the lips. His whole face heated up and his heart raced faster. It hadn't even lasted for more than a split second. It wasn't that he was unimpressed by the kiss or that he had an interest in someone else. But it felt so nice to be touched so softly, so gently... Sonic shook his head and went back to reality. This was not the time to think about Shadow, he needed to focus on getting out of here safely.

"You okay, man?" asked Knuckles.

"Hmm? Oh, yeah, I'm fine." Sonic said, scratching behind his head while he tried to hide his blush. 'Stop being stupid, Sonic!' he thought reprimanding himself.

"We're about to arrive at the ARK for about less than 20 minutes," said Tails. "So get ready, I'm going to land soon, then we should start looking for a way to get in."

Knuckles pumped his fist into the air. "Alright! I can't wait to get in there!" He chuckled. "Just thinking about punching Eggman in the face makes my blood boil, you know that?" he grinned mischievously. Sonic snorted, "Don't tell me you're going to try something stupid again! Last time, we almost died, you know!" he scolded Knuckles.

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