Ch. 27: Sonic meets Venusmon

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Chapter 27: Sonic meets Venusmon

That night at the hospital, Sonic was in the operating room with a gurney right beside him, while the surgeons were strapped to their separate beds. The machines surrounding them beeped and clicked all of the time and were hooked up to life support equipment attached to IVs and monitors. There was an oxygen mask over Sonic's face as well. The surgeons began to operate Sonic on his own body.

They began by slicing through Sonic's skin as gently and swiftly as possible. It didn't hurt much, but every time the scalpel went into him, a small piece of skin came off. Soon it was all gone and there was nothing left except a little bloody mess under the microscope. When they were done, they began to stitch up Sonic's wounds from where he had gotten injured. He still couldn't feel anything, so they just covered up most of the stitches and left some holes behind. When it was finished, one of the doctors wrapped him in gauze. They were ready to give him the injection. He would wake up and have a full recovery.

In the waiting room, Shadow, Amy, and Tails were sitting in the chairs except Knuckles was pacing back and forth. All four of them were trying not to think about what would happen next. Amy and Tails were sleeping soundly in their chairs while Knuckles paced back and forth. Shadow was sitting still in his chair and crossing his arms over his chest with his eyes closed. He got annoyed when Knuckles kept walking back and forth in front of him.

"Knux!" said Shadow irritably. "Would you stop pacing? I'm trying to sleep here."

"What? You can't sleep if you're worried! I don't know why you even care!" snapped Knuckles. "Why do you always have to be such a drama queen?" He turned around to go back to his seat when he noticed something out of place. Shadow had fallen asleep in the waiting room when Sonic was having surgery. He hoped his lover was okay. But he knew that his hopes were pointless. He should probably try to get some sleep himself. So, he sat down. Ten minutes later, the doctor came out of the operating room,  Shadow and Knuckles looked at her to see what was happening. This doctor was a beautiful woman with brunette long hair that was tied up in a bun, and piercing green eyes with black rim eyeglasses. Her name was Dr. Linda Harrison.

"How is he, doctor?" Shadow asked her.

"He's fine. He's going to make a complete recovery after all this," she said. "Yet he's in a coma for several days. We'll keep monitoring him until we know that he's alright again. Until then we'll keep him sedated."

"Is he waking up soon?" asked Knuckles.

The doctor shook her head. "I'm afraid not. That's part of the problem now that he's asleep. But I'm sure he'll regain consciousness soon."

With that, Dr. Harrison went back inside Sonic's room, followed by a group of nurses who helped her prepare everything she needed to take care of the patient. Shadow turned his attention to Knuckles. "Well?" asked Shadow. "Did you manage to find a lead yet?" Knuckles nodded. Shadow sighed in relief.

Dr. Harrison came out of Sonic's room a few minutes later, carrying a clipboard. She took her glasses off, cleaned them on the end of her shirt, and put them back on. "You're all cleared to visit your friend now," she told them.

"Thank you," said Shadow. "Can we see him first?"

She nodded, "Of course, but try not to overwhelm him." Shadow thanked her again, then stood up. Before the others could get out of their chairs, Knuckles woke Amy and Tails up and told them to lead the way to Sonic's room. Once they entered the room, Sonic was sleeping in the hospital bed with a heartbeat monitor and an IV drip attached to his arm. There was an oxygen mask attached to Sonic's mask to help him breathe. He had white bandages on his right arm and his abdomen from surgery. He looked exhausted. He was asleep so deep that they could barely tell that he was awake or breathing.

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