Chapter 11

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Zach Pierre,  the man whose  heart was  captured  by June, it's a pity that I couldn't  get  him but I will make use of Malik to my advantage  , then I will eliminate  the  whole  Pierre  family.

Send a call to the family, that took June in, Tell them that, unless they  don't  want  to  be killed  they  should send him back on the streets. Kate said .

Yes, ma the beta said as he left  the  room.

Now, all we have to do is to wait  for  Zach to sign  the  ownership  of  the  company  under  Malik's  name, then  I will find a way to seize the company  from  his hands.

This  will be a fun game, Kate said with an evil smirk

June woke up as early as he can, to start his duties  officially  as  the  new servant.

He was glad, when the family  accepted him, so now he could have a place  to  stay, and he could  also take care of Allen.

He stirred  the pot, as he a song familiar  to, but he didn't  have  an idea of how the song got stuck in his head, but he continued  humming.

Mama, Allen said as he entered the kitchen while rubbing his eyes.

Careful , baby you are not yet awake,
Come on, I will serve you something  to eat.

Mom, I haven't  brush my teeth  yet, am I allowed  to eat without  proper hygiene, Allen said

Of course,  but we don't  have  a toothbrush  now,so we will just have to eat like that for now.

Is there anything,  I can help you with, Allen  said  as he watch  his mom bring out cookies  from the oven.

Mom, are those chocolate cookies, my favourites.

Yes, they are but they are only for the Madam. June said with a smile,  but he noticed  the  small frown on Allen's  face.

What's  wrong, June asked

You used to be called a Madam  too,  you made sure everywhere  was cleaned  and prepared  for when Father came back,  you even  went as far as  making his favourite  dishes, but why you were busy doing this,  Father was busy cheating,  I am going to make he regret this, so I will grow up very quick,  so you won't  suffer for too long.

Thank you,  but my matters are not for you to handle, you should do only what children  your age are doing,you are too young to be taking matters into your own hands and don't worry , I can protect myself.

But ,Mom.....
No buts, I know you are going alot especially  after  what your Father did.

That is not my Father, because  my father  wouldn't do something  like that, Allen said  as his face darkened.

Allen, stop that, he is still your Father, June said.

No, he is not, Allen  said  as  he  walked out of the kitchen.

What's  wrong  with him,  a familiar voice said making June  turn to see who it was.

Oh, you are here, I was just packaging  breakfast for you, I am sure you must be hungry,  June quickly  said.

You don't  need to bother, I wanted to take some food  for my Alpha,  he will soon be off to work.

Okay, I understand,  please  you do what you want. June said leaving  the kitchen.

Are you sure it's  my brother,  a desperate voice asked over the phone ,

Yes it's him, you have to come over to my house immediately,  he has a son that looks like him, but the pheromone of the boy smells like Zach's

Okay, I am coming  over,  I hope  my brother is alright,  ever since he lost his memory,  the Pierre family decided that it's best we stay away for a while , The voice from the other end said.

Come over, quickly


Honey, your food is ready, the pregnant omega said as he walk into the room.

Baby, you know I don't like when you stress yourself,  you should  have told me,  and i would  have fix up something  for us.

You forgot that we have an omega  and a child, I don't want you making them uncomfortable  . The pregnant omega said

Hei, what happened yesterday wasn't my fault, I actually thought you had already given birth to that kid, The alpha said.

Anyway when is his coming, the omega asked as he sat down to join his husband

Yes, he is gonna come as soon as possible ,

Suddenly the phone rang ,
Hello,  the alpha said as he answered the phone call, suddenly  his face darkened making the omega worried.

What's wrong,  the omega said as he watch his alpha drop the phone on the table.

June was being followed,

What do you mean by being followed,  the omega said

It's seems like someone wants to rid of June. And we have been  threatened .

What are we gonna do about it?

Nothing,  let's just sit back and wait.


He asked for the company,

Yes mom, that's the only way I can find June, I think  I will hand over the company  to him immediately.

Are you out of your mind, are you forgetting that it's you and June who joined hands together to build that company,  how the hell will he feel if he eventually regain his memory.  Grandma Mia said

I don't know mom, this is the only way to get June back , Zach said

There should be another way, giving that company to Malik is not something I will agree to that easily,  how sure are you that he will actually  tell you where June is, after you have given him what he wants.

Think about it, right from the beginning,  he has always  had this hatred for you and June, so in other to make you suffer, he will use June as a bait to get you to sign the company under his name. Once  you have done what he wants,  he will throw you out. Grandma Mia said

Zach, Grandma Mia is right,  what if all this is a set up, Sicily  said

I know what to do, Zach said as he stood up and left

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