Chapter 8

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June step out of the car with Allen who stood behind him, without a glance the driver drove away leaving the omega and his child in the middle of nowhere.

Mommy, we will be fine right, Allen said as he look up to see his Mom, who look like any minute he would burst into tears.

We will be fine, June said as he look at his cute alpha son with a smile .

Allen look at his mother with a lot of emotions, his mother was a really strong omega, someone who didn't break down that easily, someone who hid his tears and covered it with a smile.

Come on, Allen lets walk from here, i think if we go a little bit further , we would find place to eat and then a place to sleep, okay. June said as he ruffled his son's hair .

Okay,....... Mommy, are you fine , Allen asked

June look at his son in surprise and couldn't help wondering what this little man is thinking.

I am fine, thanks for asking, June said as he placed another smile on his lips.

Mommy, you are lying, you are not fine, even when you smile, i can see those sad emotions in your eyes, so no matter how you try to hide it i can still see it.

Allen, since did you become a grown man, June said as he carried his son in his hands .

Of course, i am hurt, and sad but i don't have time to express my emotions , right now, i have to keep you safe, find a place for you to eat and sleep, i need to protect you, because you are still little and can't do anything now.

So , don't worry about me, lets find a place to eat and have rest, you know how grumpy you get when you are hungry June said as he held Allen in his arms, He carried him as he walked forward hoping they would find shelter.

Ah, finally its over, Grandma Mia as she closed the door.
Grandma, why don't you go rest ,i will do the clean up,Kyle said

Sure you can handle, you can actually leave it for the maids.

No, i will do the cleanup myself,its nothing much anyway, i will definitely handle it, you should rest. Kyle said as he smiled.

Okay, i will place the twins in bed for you , then i will go to bed.

Sure grandma,

Kyle finished up the cleaning and decided to look for Sicily.

Its been long since, Sicily and i had some alone time, i think we should do something special tonight, Kyle said as he reached Zach's office.

He was about opening the door but suddenly he heard Grandma Mia's voice.
What's grandma doing in there, it wouldn't be wrong if i eavesdrop, Kyle thought as he placed his ear on the door.

"You weren't suppose to let him leave like that, Grandma Mia said, with an angry tone.

So, what's was i suppose to do, i am tired, Mom.
Just seeing him and my son so far away from me hurt my heart, the fact that he doesn't even know that i am his lover hurts a lot.

I know its hurt a lot but you still got to make an effort, Grandma Mia said as she hugged her son, tears rolled down from her eyes

Stop talking like that, everything is gonna be alright, remember the doctor said that, everything will be fine, if we take it slow with him, i am sure that he will regain his memory very soon, Grandma Mia said with pain evident in her voice.

What are they talking about, Kyle thought, suddenly someone held his hand, he turned to see Sicily.

Oh......., Sicily, you are here, i thought you were inside, i wanted to see you . Kyle said smiling nervously

You aren't suppose to be here, Sicily said.

Why can't I, Obviously its seems that you are hiding something from me, you are going to tell me what it is, in the room. Kyle said walking out followed by Sicily.

Sicily entered the bedroom, Kyle was already sitting on the bed looking at him.

Kyle, i can't tell you anything, whatever you heard , you have to keep it to yourself.

Why won't you tell me,
This is a problem that only Zach has to deal with , Sicily said, as he walked up to Kyle and held his hand , he placed a kiss on his lips.

I will tell you, when the time comes. Sicily said

You promise,

Of course.

June walked tirelessly with Allen who was walking from behind, it was extremely dark, but with the moonlight shinning so bright in the sky, it became a source of light for June.

Are you tired, Honey, i can carry you you want.

Mom, you are also tired, i don't think you should be holding me, you still need strength too. Allen said.

Oh, my, Sometimes i think my son has become a grown man, June said as he gave out a light laugh.

Mom, how can you still laugh in this situation, how are you so strong.

Baby, i know its hard for you to adapt, i love your Father so much that i didn't expect this from him.
Its hurt alot but like i said before, i don't have that time, to become dishearten, because you are with me.

When i gave birth to you, you were the light in my dark times, your smile usually brighten up my day, and i always felt that if you were taken away from me, i would practically be shattered. but you are here , so i have got nothing to worry about because i got you here.

Oh, is that a house, come lets see if we can stay with them for a while, June said to Allen.

June rang the doorbell, silently praying for a place to stay for the night.

Suddenly the door opened, and his eyes landed on a beautiful omega who was pregnant.

Uh....., can i help you, the omega asked immediately looking at the two strangers.

Um...., actually i was thinking if you could lend us a place to stay for the night, My son and i don't actually have where to sleep.

I can't just allow you into my house to sleep in, what if you are dangerous, the omega said staring at June.

Ok, i understand, you can just employ us as workers, we wouldn't have any issues with the pay and stuff, we just want to place to stay, eat and sleep. June asked with hope

I don't employ servant, My alpha does that, the omega said

But, i can let you stay for a night, so when he comes back tomorrow, i can see if he can employ you.

Thank you, i am really grateful.

its nothing to be grateful about, after all omegas help each other, the omega said with a smile, as he let June and his son inside

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