Chapter 23

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June sat in the car nervously, he was going to a place where his ex husband and girlfriend will be at, he didn't know if he could handle seeing them .

What's wrong baby, Zach said as he held June's hand rubbing it softly.

Nothing, I am just a little bit worried, I mean, Malik and Kate will be there, I don't know if I can handle it, I don't want to make any mistakes. June said with a worried tone .

Why are you so worried when the whole family is going to be fighting for you . Even if you make any mistakes, we are always there for you .

Thank you Zach, I feel fine now, June said with a small smile .

Grandma Mia stood at the door waiting for Zach, not only that she was also anticipating June too, ever since Malik told her that he had chased June away , she was so heartbroken and disappointed in her son . Every single day she wished to see June .

Mother, a familiar voice called out making the woman turn to see who it was .

Her face scrunched in disgust when she saw her second son standing close to that vile woman that caused all this havoc .

Malik, love how are you. Grandma Mia said as she gave her son a small hug .

I am good Mom, look here, I want to introduce you to the love of life Malik said .

Grandma Mia winced as she heard what her son said .

I would like to use this Anniversary as a medium to announce our Engagement. Malik said with a happy face .

Malik, dear you finally found the woman you love , but I can't help but ask you this question.

Why did you have to make June and Zach suffer for all this while,  what did you gain by that, I love you so much my son, I thought I knew you, but after what has happened,  I don't think I know who you are again.
Mother,  I didn't come here for all this long talk, I just want to tell you that I will announce me and Kate's engagement during the Anniversary party.  Malik said with a frown

Do what you like , I don't care anymore. 

Grandma Mia,  a familiar voice called making all of them turn to see who it was .

June, Allen , Grandma Mia called out happily as she ran and hugged them suddenly she pulled back still holding unto June's arm .

Are you okay, Grandma Mia asked as she carass June's cheeks,  tears flowing from her eyes, how much she had missed him .

Yes ma'am, June said with a smile as he cleaned Grandma Mia's tears .

Oh dear me, I am sorry that you had to see that vulnerable side of me, I am just so happy  .

It's alright Grandma Mia,  I understand that, June said as his eyes went to Malik and Kate who had a surprise look on their face .

Grandma Mia,  Allen said with a sweet voice  .
Oh my, Allen you have grown so big ,Grandma Mia said as she carried Allen up in her arms .

Yes, Grandma Mia,  I have to grow up to protect mummy from the bad guys that threw him on the streets. Allen said casting a glare on Malik and Kate making them shiver .

You make grandma Mia so proud,  lucky for you today I made a chocolate pudding .

Really , yea , come on Uncle Zach let's go in, I can't wait to see  Adrian and Alex, Allen said as he ran inside the house,  followed by the rest,  leaving only Kate and Malik .

I thought you said you dealt with him, but why is it that I saw him today,  are my eyes being tricked or what .

It's seems like someone made a fool of us .
And whose fault is that, Malik said angrily  .
Look, instead of you raising your voice,  let's get rid of them immediately,  we can kill two birds with one stone.

How do you intend to do that, the plan was only to attack Zach . Malik said

Then we just change our plans and do something even more painful and unbearable for Zach.  Kate said with a smile .
What do you intend to do .
Well just sit back and watch . Kate said as she went inside.

Oh my Goodness,  June you are back,  Kyle said as he quickly hugged June , taking him by surprise .
We all missed you, especially Grandma Mia,  Kyle said as he kissed June on the cheeks,  making him blush .

Welcome back June, Sicily said in a nonchalant tone .

Allen ran to the twins,  the two of them hugged him tightly,  they also missed him .

Please let's us enjoy the party , Grandma Mia said , as Zach suddenly circle his arms around June's waist, making June blush .
Please don't do this here, June said with a small voice that was only heard by Zach .
What am I doing , Zach asked with a smirk on his face making June blush again .

In the corner of the a certain person look unhappy,  he face had a very bad expression.

Honey, please can you smile a little bit , people are looking.  Kate said with a smile .

I am so angry with you, you didn't get your part of your job done .

Oh I am sorry,  I am not the one who told you not to finish up your job in the beginning.  If you had killed him then we would not be here in the first place,  Kate said with a smiley face .

And don't worry,  my plan is already in motion,so calm the hell down .
I will, Malik said as Kate gave him a kiss on the cheeks .

June stood still close to the serving table as he eyes went to Zach who was talking to some business men, June couldn’t help but admire him, he didn’t know why whenever he saw Zach, his racing heart will skip a beat .

June, what are you doing . Jade said as he walked close to his omega brother.
Jade, you are here, I thought you weren't coming since Leo came to pick me .

Well, I didn't know about that, I came over and saw an angry Leo,  so I knew that you had already left . Jade said

Suddenly a waiter came and served them a glass of wine .

Jade stayed a little bit longer before going to some other Omegas .

June began to feel to dizzy and suddenly decided to go upstairs and rest .

Get ready Malik, you will see as the drama unfolds . Kate said with a smile .

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