Chapter 30

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Leo wants you to come home . Kate said as she look at June who suddenly glared at her before he burst into a fit of laughter.

It's so funny that you came all the way here for this, I wonder why Leo didn't come all the way here.
He is busy with a lot of things Kate said with a smirk on her face .

I mean he has been taking care of you guys ever since your parents disappeared.

Don't give me that crap,  I know my brother very well, don't claim you know something when you don't.  June said with a smirk on his face making Kate wonder why June was behaving like this .

Seems like he has gotten his memories back, I have to be careful with him , I still don't know why Leo is so Obsessed about this omega.  Kate thought

Did you come here just to confirm if I have gotten my memories,  if that's what you cane all the way here to do then I should really admire your confidence.  And yes, I would like to thank you for making all this possible,  because if you didn't spike my drink, I wouldn't be here . June said with a smile on his face but his eyes showed visible coldness

You think just because you have gotten your memories back , you can come back behaving like you are the Madam of this household.  Kate said with anger in her voice.

Actually it was never yours in the first place so I don't think you should be fighting for something that is not officially yours.  June asked with a raised eyebrow.

And besides,  I married Zach the Master of the Pierre household which offered makes me the Madam of the household,  I have also given him a son who will become the Heir of the Household and you haven't done any of that yet. So Kate who do you think you are to question me about my position in the house .

You sitting down here smiling like a doll, Aren’t you interested in what Leo will do to your omega brother if you don't show up . Kate said smiling evily .

I honestly don't want to know,  because I am sure Jade won't repeat the same mistake twice and if anything happens to him, I know who I am going to hold responsible. June said as he gave Kate a glare .

If we are done here, you can leave , the Butler will escort you out .

Who do you think you are, you are not yet fully in power because Grandma Mia still holds the title of the Madam of the Pierre household and unfortunately for you I will like to see her .

Well Grandma Mia won't be able to meet you today,  you can come another day .

You Bitch . Kate said as she lunged forward to hit June but instead the Butler held her down.

Madam please refrain from whatever you think you wanted to do, you do not have the right to disrespect our Master's Wife  .

Get off me, you moron , you don't have the right to lay your hands on me . Kate screamed out .

Madam please calm down unless you will be thrown out of the house .

What's going on, Grandma Mia said as she came downstairs.
Mrs Mia, you are finally here, I wonder what took so long . Kate said with a smile  making  June look at Grandma Mia suspiciously.

June, Me and Kate will be in my office,  no one is allowed to come in . Grandma Mia said

June watched as Grandma Mia and Kate left, he couldn't help but ponder if Grandma Mia and Kate had a relationship before. 

You are not gonna allow then to leave just like that  . Kyle asked

I wasn't planning on following them, I want to respect Grandma Mia's decision.

Aren’t you curious why she asked for the two of them to be alone, Kyle asked

I am curious too, but I have to respect the fact that she asked for privacy.

What are you doing here, Grandma Mia said as she lock the door then turned to Kate.

What am I doing, is that seriously a question,  are you really asking me that right . Kate asked with a look of disbelief.
What did you expect,  you all spoilt the plan especially you, and you come here barging in to my house for what reason.

Well, I am sorry, I am not the one who decided to let a non related person take over the family fortune while her son rot away .

Even if we succeed to take over the company,  the board of members won't even go against Zach.
You have the sources, so of course you are meant to know what to do . Don't blame us for sitting back while your pathetic husband gave the company to Zach.

You are so brazen Kate, if I remember,  I made this plan in which you decided to play your rubbish and now here we are .

You better be careful when talking to me Kate,  because without me, you wouldn't be here  . Grandma Mia says with an angry tone

I am sorry .

Good, you should know your place, I will work on something as quick as I can  before my husband will wake up from his coma .

Meanwhile you and the others should clean up your mess, I won't tolerate anyone destroying what I built so hard , and not some stupid fool who doesn't know where she stands, and Kate, I hope I won't have to tell you again, Don't cone barging into my Mansion like a street dog .

Yes Madam . Kate said with fear visible in her eyes .

Good, Now Get out . Grandma Mia says with a cold tone.

The Alpha sat up on the bed, his eyes suddenly went down to the omega who was sleeping peacefully on the bed, he took a moment to admire the beauty of this omega who had his heart but wasn't aware of it .

I won't let you go this time, My sweet omega .

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