Chapter 33

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How dare you say that,  Grandma Mia fumed as she stood from her chair.

You are no first son , you are just a curse born from that tramp, so getting the illusion that you are . My Malik would do better at taking care of that fucking damn company that your father left behind for him .

And I honestly thought that you were a mother to me meanwhile this was what you thought about me . I feel disappointed and sad because I was beginning to look up to you as a Mother .

But the decision still stand, Malik isn't going to enter this household,  all my life I look past his misdeeds and whatever he did to piss me off . All of that ended when he decided to use my wife for his silly games which I still tolerated , but I won't do it again.

I will not stop you from meeting your Son, but it won't be in this house . Zach said then walked out followed by the rest .

I knew that was gonna be hard, Grandma Mia mumbled to herself.

He even had the right to use position on me, I regret ever caring for that tramp . I will have to find another to make sure that Malik comes home, that is the only way we can cause a little bit of havoc .

I think you were a little bit hard on her , June said as the two entered the room .

No I wasn't,  she is already getting me so mad, How could she even think about that, after what we have been through,  she was a witness to it, why would she make sure a decision.  Zach said as he sat on the bed

I honestly don't know what's going on in her head, but please you should calm down,  your phermones are everywhere.

I am so sorry Love .

It's alright,  just remember that no matter what decision you take , I am always with you . June said before kissing Zach on his lips . Don't forget we are going to tell Allen that you are his Father .

Yes, you are right Baby . I should be thinking about that .


Allen , Beau shouted in joy as Allen walked into the class, whenever he got to school,  he would always wait up on Allen.  Whenever he saw Allen , it felt like his world had become so bright.

Beau,  are you okay, Did you wait too long .

No, no Allen , I didn't wait too long .

Good, Did anyone trouble you, tell me the truth .

No one troubled me, Beau said with a smile . Eversince Allen appeared in to his life , all the bullies were no longer coming, it was as if they didn't want to hurt Beau because he was Allen's person  and everyone is scared of Allen .

Then what is this Mark on your arm . Allen asked as he held Beau left arm quietly looking at the mark with a frown evident on his face .

It's not from school, it's because I was being disobedient my Father .

Huh, your Dad hits you . Allen asked

Yes he does, alot , me and my omega mommy for being disobedient .

That's not right, He shouldn't hit you, it's wrong .

But Mama, tells me that Dad is just going through a hard time , that once the hard time passes.  Every thing is gonna be alright.  Beau said sadness evident in his voice .

Mummy is suffering alot, I am scared I won't see him again,  every night, he will be crying,  I am so worried about him. I don't want to wake up one day and see him gone .

Hei, don't worry,  everything is gonna be alright,  I will talk to my Mom and see what he can do about

Thanks Allen, you really are my friend

Of course, I am

Class be quiet,  it's time for class, a teacher said as he walked into the class .


You got to eat alot, this time, Allen said as he stuffed more food for Beau .

Allen, what are you gonna eat then, I am really grateful for all of this but you should eat too.

I eat alot when I get home, I don't know if you do .

Beau Carter,  you are needed in the Principal office.

What's going on , Allen asked

I don't know, I will go find out, I am not sure it's anything serious.

Allen waited patiently for Beau but he still did see him , After the final class he went to the Principal office to find out about it , as he reached the office,  he saw Beau being dragged away by a lanky middle aged Alpha .

Beau, Allen called out as he ran towards them .

Allen, Beau called out in a tearful face .

What are you doing to Beau,  Allen asked as he held Beau's hands firmly   not letting him go .

Who do you think you are, you little punk . The Alpha in an angry tone

Who are you,  and where are you taking Beau . Allen said again

He is my Father Allen,  and he is pulling me out of school, I may never get to see you again.  Beau said as big tears left his eyes .

No, we will see each other, I am not gonna let you go , no matter what happens.  Allen reassured him

Get out of here, you little shit. The Alpha said as he pushed Allen away

No  , no, no, no, you all should do something,  Allen said as he turned to the Principal and teachers that stood around.

Don't let that Bad man take Beau,  you all are meant to stop him, how can you let him go just like that .

Allen, we have no say in their matter  He is Beau's Father and he has the right to make decisions for Beau, we shouldn't get in between them . Besides they are other Alphas and Betas you can play with, you can make new friends. The Principal said

How can you say that so casually,  you all stood by the side while Beau got bullied,  so why would you care now .

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