Chapter 19

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What do you mean Leo, June asked looking at his brother with curiosity.

June, I really want you to get your memories back but if that means that you are going back to Zach then I really wish you don't get them back .

What ! I can't believe you just said that, how can you say that so casually, I have been wishing to get my memories for a while now so I can be able the remember my family, to be able to find out what the hell is going on in my life, and here you are , my sweet brother telling me not to get my memories because you don't want me to get back with Zach.

I hope you aren't forgetting that Allen may be Zach's son in which I don't have a memory about, I want to learn about my past, I see how my siblings are because I don't have a single memory of them and here you are telling me not to remember,  I feel so disappointed Leo.

June, you don't understand, I don't want you to get back to that Pierre household,  Take a look at what they did to you, what if something bad happens to you this time around,  I want to keep you close to me so I can ensure your safety but if eventually you remember your memories and run off to the Pierre family, I won't be able to do anything.

Forget about getting your memories, for now you should focus on Allen and your work in the company, I am sure you will see an Alpha out there who will be a perfect match as a lovely husband and a father to Allen . Leo said

Enough Leo, the things you are spilling out of your mouth makes me question myself if you are really my brother, just because of your selfish reasons,  you do not want me to regain my memories neither do you want Allen to know who his Father is, I have had enough from you Leo, Please don't ever come close to me if you can't change your mindset.  June said as he left.

Seriously June, I won't repeat the mistake of giving you back to Zach Pierre,  you will never go back to the Pierre family. Leo said to himself  as he squeeze the invitation letter.

Momma, you didn't have to come pick me you know,  Allen said as he hugged his Mom will a big smile on his face .

You say that yet you look so happy seeing me . June said as he ruffled his son's hair .
No Mom, I just thought you must be busy at work, beside Uncle Jade said he was gonna pick me today, Allen said

Well, I called Jade to tell him not to worry about it, June said as he helped Allen with his bag .

Mom, I made a new friend today, and he is an omega.
Really,  June said with a smile happy that his Son made a new friend.

Yes, Mom and he is so cute but it seems like people don't treat him well in school, he is always being bullied, I shared my food with him today .

Well, you did very well , Make sure to become his friend and protect him from those bad bullies.  June said

But Mom, why do people enjoy bullying an omega, I mean they are weak and the most fragile creature Allen said

Well some people just like to take advantage of us because we are weak, they like to have us under their control,  that's why every omegas wish is to find an Alpha who will love them and take care of them .

So baby , that omega in your school will be very happy to have you as a friend.

Okay, Mom

Urgh......., Stupid Malik, he still doesn't have power over that company yet, and now I have to take matters into my hands. Kate said as she stared intensely at the bedroom ceiling .

The anniversary party, I am going to use that as a way to destroy that Zach Pierre, I will make sure to destroy his image and get the Pierre Company under my power . Kate said with an evil smile .

Phone rings !!!!!!

Hello, June said as he answered his call

June, it's me Jade, a familiar voice said from the other end.
Guess you heard what happened,  June said as he rolled his eyes.
You know me too well, the other omega said with a smile from the other end.
Look,  Leo can be a pain in the ass sometimes.
He is a pain in the ass, there is no doubt about that, he is literally on my toes about Zach, everytime I talk about him.
I really want to get my memories, I want to know what happened to me and who might be the real Father of Allen, there is alot I don't know and I really wanna know them.

I know how you feel June, but don't worry I will talk to Leo, He is just being overprotective of you, you have gone through alot in the past, and seeing you now makes him want to protect you no matter what it takes, so don't be mad at him .

I am trying not to be,I seriously don't get him sometimes , I just want him to accept whatever relationship me and Zach may have , I am not a kid anymore.

I understand, I will talk to him , Jade said with a small smile as he cut the call.
Well done on being an ass, Jade said as he turned to Leo who was sitting on the backseat of the car with him.

You heard him, Leo, I know you want to protect him,but June isn't a baby that you could just lock up in a huge mansion just to try and protect him. What do think June will do once he gets all his memories .

When that time finally comes I will know what to , but for now I can't let him go back to Zach .

Leo, for now just look past your hatred for Zach, June is beginning to get more of his memories about the time he spent with Zach and when eventually he gets all his Memories, he will leave us and run to Zach.

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