Chapter 26

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  The sun peered through the glass window, it's light shone on the couple who were tangled on the bed , cuddled in to each other's embrace, the two slept so peaceful away from the problems of the world .

Jade, stirred awake, he opened his eyes trying to adjust it to the light as he used his hands to cover his eyes for a minute.

"Where am I ", he thought as he looked around trying to figure out where he was, suddenly memories started rushing into his head.

Oh my God, Jade said as he rushed down from the bed,

Ouch......., Jade winced at the pain he felt when he stood, it felt like as if he was thrown over a rock , he quickly picked up his dress that was lying on the floor and dressed up .

Ugh, it's hurts...... Jade said as he held his waist then he sent a death glare to the Alpha that was still sleeping on the bed.

It's of no use, I just need to get out of here, Jade said as he quickly walked out of the room .

Jade got down the stairs as he held unto his waist, he hadn’t anyone except the maid he saw cleaning the hallway .

The woman obviously didn't like him, with the she was giving him the dirty stare, Jade knew she didn't like him .

Jade who was lost in thought suddenly bumped in to someone, he looked up to see who it was.

You must be the omega who my brother brought home . The female Alpha said with a smirk on her face .

You guys literally spent a whole four days fucking each other . Does it hurts,  the female Alpha said looking down at Jade's waist .

It's none of your business.  Jade said as he glared at the Alpha . He suddenly wondered where he had seen such a person.

Is that how you talk to a friend of your husband.  The Alpha said as she flipped her hair behind her ear .

You know Kevin, Jade said with fear in his voice, He suddenly felt so afraid,  ever since he left his husband house, he had promised to come for him,

"What if, she is an ally to Kevin, I can't let her take me "  Jade thought then look at Alpha.

You won't take me back there,  me and Kevin are finalising the divorce so don't bother taking me to him, I will pay you double of what he paid you to get me . Jade said

What are you talking about,  who is coming to take you. The female Alpha said with an amused expression .

Listen,  little thing, I am not here to take you.

Then what do you want . Jade asked


What are you doing with my Amore. A gruff voice said from behind and the two turned to see The Male Alpha who was coming down the step  with a maid following him behind.

Amore, what's wrong.  The Alpha said as he walked close to Jade leaving him a little bit speechless.

What's wrong with him Doctor Maria , it's been a week since his heat and yet he hasn't woken up .

Calm down,  Mr Pierre,  nothing is wrong with your wife, he is okay, his vitals are okay, there is nothing wrong with him . For now, it seems like he still hasn't woken up, we don't know how long he will sleep,  let's just give him some days, if he still hasn't woken up, the we would rush him to the hospital,  and keep him under our watch .

Ok, Doctor Maria . Zach said

Uncle Zach, is Momma gonna wake up . Allen asked .

Of course he would Allen,  Momma isn't going anywhere without us .Zach said as he hugged his son.

Back to the Past .

Zach, stop it, June said as he pulled away from the kiss, then turned to continue cooking.

Honey, what's wrong with you ,Zach said as he hugged his waist , then placed his lips on his neck slowly kissing it, June bent his neck the other side giving him more entrance .

Oh....... Zach stop it,  I am trying to cook here , June said as he smiled, though he was refusing now, he wouldn’t deny that he was not enjoying it , he loved Zach and on top of that,  a bundle of Miracle was on its way coming.

I wonder , if it will be a boy or a girl,  Zach said as he rubbed June's tummy

Don't say it out loud, remember I want it to be a surprise,  remember,  June said as turned to Zach .

I remember dear, and I am sorry for taking you off guard like that.

It's okay Zach, I  love you Zach, June said kissing him .

I love you too.


You are really pregnant , I am so happy,  I thought I wouldn't have any grand child from you guys, I am so very happy .  Grandma Mia said.

Thanks Grandma,  I can't even believe I am also carrying a child in me. June said with a happy smile .

I am so happy for you Zach, Sicily said with a smile .

Thanks bro, I am gonna be a Father, you don't know how happy I am about it . Zach said with a smile looking at the pretty omega before him.

Zach , stop looking at me like that, June said with a smile .

Come on everyone,  let's dig in . Grandma Mia said .

June stood in front of the beautiful mansion, when he was young, he loved his home, but after Leo chased him away , he felt pained but he wouldn't leave Zach for anything.

Madam,  you are here. A brown haired maid said as she opened the door.

Hello, June said as he entered.

Are you going to be meeting Sir Leo today . The maid asked

No, I just want to pick up some things . June said as he walked upstairs, heading straight to his room .

After a few minutes,  June left his room with his stuff, he might not be back in a very long time .

June walked down the hallway with a sad look on his face, suddenly he heard some noise coming from his Brother's study. He decided to go check it out .

He walked closer to hear what was being said inside,  and he was shocked by what he heard .

He quickly walked out, not noticing the maid who stared at him . He entered his car, and drove off, he needed tell Zach about his brother's plan one way or the other .

June who was busy driving noticed the black camry that chased after him, June panicked because he knew exactly whose car was that, he drove in full speed , he tried to reach his phone to call someone. But suddenly a Red Porsche slammed in him making him loose his grip on the wheels.  Suddenly June didn't know what happened next .

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