Chapter 4

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         June sat down on the sofa in the living room with a worried look on his face, he had been calling Malik but he wasn't taking his calls, and worst of all, the dinner party had already started.

"Is he not coming, he said he was going to come, why haven't he arrived yet, i hope nothing bad happened to him,

Didn't he remember my birthday, of course he did, he bought that necklace for me, June thought with a smile on his face.

Mommy, a little boy called out with a hint of sadness in his voice.

Allen, what's wrong, June asked with a small smile.

Mommy, is anything bothering you, Allen asked with a sad tone.

No, Allen, nothing is bothering momma, i am just thinking about something, June said as he placed a kiss on Allen's cheeks

Is it about Dad , Allen asked

Well, i am waiting for your dad to come, he did say he was coming.

Momma, come on, you think about dad every time , what about me, you should think about me more and not dad.

I know you purposely made my best chocolate cupcake, yet i can't eat it, because you are always worried about dad.

Oh, Allen i am sorry, i didn't know i was physically hurting you, i will only concentrate on you . June said as he tightly hugged his son.

Allen is right, A familiar voice said, making June look up to see the person

Zach !

Uncle !

You shouldn't worry about  Malik, if he is going to come, he will come, in the meantime you should enjoy your day

My day , June asked

Yep, isn't today your birthday ,  Zach said with a small smile

Mommy's birthday is today, wow i won't ever forget it, Allen said happily as he hugged his Mom

Happy birthday Mom

Thank you honey, June said as he also hugged his son,

Come on, lets go, Mom said she wants to celebrate your birthday, Zach said

But i told her not to worry, i am practically not that important June whispered

You are very important to this Family because you are a Pierre member so you are very important, and we will celebrate your birthday as we do to others.

Come on,lets go

Thank you ! June said with a smile

Finally you decided to take me to some where nice, Kate said as they entered an expensive mall

Well, i want to impress my girlfriend, Malik said as he placed a small kiss on her lips.

Well, you should, after all i am quite expensive Kate said as she touched the necklace that hung beautifully on her neck.

You seem to love the necklace, Malik said

Yes of course, this is an expensive necklace after all for a beautiful woman like me ,  Kate said 

Yes , of course, you are the most beautiful woman i have ever met Malik said

Yes,I am, more beautiful than be ugly omega, Kate said with a hint of jealousy in her voice

You are the only one in my heart now, so don't think about it, and i have decided to get rid of the omega.

Like seriously, Kate said with a big smile

Yes of course, i have decided to make you mine

Yes, that is what you should do, so when are you getting rid of him.  Kate said suddenly someone bumped into her

What the hell, Kate said as she turned to see the person

Ah....., i am sorry, i didn't mean it, the male omega said

Seems like you did, Are all you male omegas so fucking like to pretend, so you can get close to my husband, Kate said with  displeasure in her voice.

Ah, please i am married, The omega said while showing Kate his ring.

Kate eyes marveled at the sight of the diamond ring shown to her.
She rolled her eyes at the omega, before she could say anything, two boys came running to the omega.
Mommy, Dad is waiting for you, we are almost late, one of the boys said
Okay, just wait a minute , the omega said as he ruffled his son's head then he turned to look at Kate, who was looking at his children with disgust written in her eyes.

I am really sorry, the omega said sincerely

You spoiled the moment between my fiance and i, and then you show up with this diamond ring that i am sure your alpha stole from some where.

Daddy didn't steal any ring, one of the twins said

Shut up, you little brat, don't talk when your elders are talking, didn't your mother teach you that, you bastard Kate said

Suddenly she felt a sharp pain across her cheek, she look up to see the male omega looking at her angrily

She raised her hand to slap him back but some one held her wrist, she turned to see the person

An Alpha, she thought as she looked at the person with s frightened look on her face.

What is going on here, the alpha asked with a face full of anger

How dare you try to slap my wife,

He touched me first, Kate argued

Maybe if you hadn't said anything that annoyed him , he wouldn't slap you.

I was on my own , with my fiance then he slapped me Kate said as fake tears ran down her cheek.

Daddy, she is lying, she called us bastard, then she said that you stole the ring you gave daddy.

Shut up, you brat, Kate said then turn to the Alpha.

You wouldn't believe them over me right Kate said with a seducing smile.

Suddenly she trembled at the smell of the angry alpha phermones.

Sicily, don't you dare, Malik said as he slap away Sicily's hand from her wrist.

Malik, who is she, Sicily said as he turned to Malik

She is my wife, Malik said making Sicily look at him in shock.

Now that he knows i am Malik's Wife, he will apologize to me for treating me the way he did, Kate thought then smirked

Thought you had a male omega and a son, Sicily asked with curiosity

No,we got divorced a long time ago.

Oh, i never heard of that, aren't you going for the family dinner

No i am not going, Malik said

Anyway, i am running late,Sicily said then look at Kate who was smiling at him.

Today you got lucky, next time you won't Sicily said then walked away with his wife and kids.

How dare he , Kate thought angrily

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