Episode 20: Freeing a Friend

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(I adore the friendships each character has with each other as well as them working together. I don't know if we will ever get this kind of game again, but I am glad we got what we did! I also hope we will get references to it. Enjoy!)

               Samus, Yellow, and Pika were readying themselves for a fight. The ship shook again as they glanced around to find their opponents. The lights went out as Pika sparked his cheeks to create some light around themselves.

"Aim for the lights. That sound turn this whole place on" Yellow whispered as Pika nodded his head.

He jumped, unleashed his electricity, and charged the lights. The lights turned on, much to their relief, but Samus' gasped at the site just in front of Pika.

"Look out!" she yelled as Pika then zapped whatever was in front of him and jumped back to the girls.

"What is that?" Yellow asked in a scared tone as she saw two dark creatures morph to become Samus' armor!

"A pair of fakes. Though, they remind me of my dark form" Samus answered as Yellow looked at her friend with concern, "We don't have time to waste. We have to fight them!"

Yellow nodded as Pika's cheeks sparked with electricity. The two shadows jumped at Pika who unleashed a powerful "Thunderbolt" around himself. The shadows were stunned and blasted away as Samus charged up her blaster. Pika jumped and ran across the field as the two shadows picked themselves up and chased after the mouse.

"Pika keep running! Unleash your electricity when you can!" Yellow ordered as Pika nodded his head.

As one shadow was about to jump him, Pika unleashed a powerful spark while shouting, "Pikachu, Pikachu!"

The sparks scattered across the grounds and tried to zap the shadows coming towards him. One shadow jumped over it while the other took it.

"Pika! Go for the one you stunned!" Yellow shouted as Pika quickly turned around and charged up his attack.

The first shadow then took aim at the electric mouse, but Samus finished charging up her blaster and fired! The first shadow was blasted away as Pika charged at the second shadow at full speed! He tackled the second one into a wall as Samus stood at his side.

"Get ready for another round" she said as Pika's cheeks sparked.

The shadows picked themselves, charged up their blasters, and fired at them. Samus turned into a ball, rolled forward, and popped back up as she fired at the first one. Pika jumped up and ran away with the second shadow flowing him.

"Hey! Crash your shadow into mine" Samus ordered as she dropped bombs with her shadow chasing after her.

"Ok! Pika use your sparks! Slowly charge it up and then blast it at the second shadow" Yellow ordered as Pika turned around and unleashed his sparks on the ground again.

He slowly unleashed his sparks again, but he continues to run. Samus continued to drop bombs, but she didn't let any of them explode. She waited as the two shadows were floating above the bombs.

"Pika use Thunderbolt!" Yellow shouted as she pointed to the bombs on the ground.

Pika jumped as electricity formed around him.

He jumped above the two shadows and shouted, "Pika!"

He unleashed a powerful, electrical bolt of lightning on the two shadows as it spread across the ground to ignite the bombs! Pika then jumped, tucked, and rolled away from the explosion and into Yellow's arms as she was standing next to Samus.

"Did that do it?" Yellow asked as Pika was sparking in her arms.

Samus remained alert as she was standing in front of them. The smoke and dust vanished to reveal the shadows had disappeared!

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