Episode 26: The Light Returns

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(And we have two more left! Also, remember how I said these episodes are going to be long? Yeah, this one is long. Anyway, this one has a great fight scene, so I hope you enjoy it! I am happy that everything came together nicely! Enjoy!)

           Although not all the heroes were defeated by Tabuu's attack. In the castle King Dedede resided in, the statues of Luigi, Ness, and King Dedede were knocked onto the floor with the timers intact for Luigi and Ness. A golden light flashed over their trophies and awakened them!

"Wah?!/Whoa!" Luigi and Ness shouted in a surprised manner before sitting up and observing their surroundings.

Luigi was dazed and holding his spinning head as Ness shook his head to recover quickly. He noticed the castle was in ruins and turned to Luigi. He gasped when he saw a golden badge on his nose and pulled it off him. Luigi let out another wail as he fell to the ruined ground. Ness examined the badge.

"Where did you get this?" he asked Luigi who sat up and shook his head.

"Uh, I don't know, but you have one too" Luigi replied as he gestured to the same on Ness's shirt.

Ness looked down at his shirt to see the badge and then turned his attention to the trophy on the ground. He let out a "hum" before walking towards the trophy. He motioned Luigi to follow him as he discards the badge. Ness and Luigi removed the debris on King Dedede. Ness then pressed his hand on the golden stand to revive King Dedede.

"What?" the king asked as he sat up and stumbled back.

"Easy there, mister" Ness advised as he helped the king sit up with Luigi's help.

King Dedede looked at the two of them in surprise.

"Are you ok?" Ness asked politely as he held a gentle expression.

The king explained his side of the story. Ness added his input with Luigi's input from time-to-time. They were surprised to hear how their stories lined up and who was really behind this. King Dedede stood up and pointed forward.

"Therefore, it is reasonable to assume the others are no longer with us!" King Dedede stated strongly as he waved his hand forward, "Are you ready to come with me and find them?!"

"Yes!" Ness answered determinedly as Luigi trembled, but he nodded his head in determination.

"Then, we shall be off! We must find everyone!" King Dedede proclaimed as he marched forward with Luigi and Ness following him.

They exited the castle and turned around to see a terrifying site before them. behind the castle was a giant, black worm hole!

"That must be where everyone is!" Ness exclaimed as he held up his fists, "We have to go in there and find everyone!"

The trio departed from the castle. They approached the wormhole, but Luigi was scared. He wasn't sure if he could do this, but Ness held his hand out to the green plumber.

"We can do this together. You are not facing this alone" Ness reassured Luigi with a grin.

Luigi sighed, smiled, and took Ness's hand. King Dedede laughed in delight at their little moment and decided to hold Luigi's other hand, surprising the plumber. Together, they shared a nod before jumping through the wormhole. They let out a scream before they crashed onto a field of emptiness and vacancy.

"What is this?" Luigi asked nervously as the emptiness around him before cupping his hands, "MARIO! WHERE ARE YOU?!"

He didn't receive a response and trembled as Ness looked for any sign of Lucas or the others. He looked to King Dedede who was also saddened to not see any of his friends present either. However, before them were many portals and gateways to other places for the tournament. They felt overwhelmed and wondered how they were going to find everyone quickly. Suddenly, a gust of wind blew over them! Luigi and Ness grabbed their hats to prevent them from flying away.

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