Chapter 26: Uncomfortable Investigations

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"How sure are you that it was Tia at the duel?", Celia asked. Salvador did not answer, instead he rested his head in his palms. His granddaughter was sobbing uncontrollably by now. Salvador's wife was the one that spoke up:

"None of us were in contact with her the days before the duel. She was really busy at work. You called her and told her about the duel over the phone, right?", she asked her husband, who just nodded.

"We did not talk for long... She just told me that she would be there and that she had to go finish up a mission.", he added. Celia considered the information. Maybe Tia was attacked and killed on her mission.

"Do you know what kind of mission that was by any chance?", Benicio asked. He had had the same thought.

Salvador shook his head:

"She rarely talked about work since her promotion... If you want to know any details you will have to speak to her captain."

"And speak to her boyfriend!", his wife added, "maybe this good for nothing boy has something to do with all this."

Interesting... The boyfriend was not approved of. Celia did not let her thoughts show on her face:

"We will be looking into all possibilities.", she answered.

"Thank you for your time.", Benicio added. Before he could turn to leave though, Celia had another thought:

"Oh, just one more thing: What was Tia's role in the duel? About the same as Diego's?"

Salvador's expression darkened and his wife let out a small gasp. Their granddaughter jumped up from the couch:

"How dare you?!", she screamed. Only now, Celia took a closer look at her. Oops... That's Diego's sister.

"Don't you dare to say my brother's name out loud again after you murdered him! You..."

Salvador's voice cut through the room like a whip:

"Jazmin, sit down and be quiet!"

Jazmin flinched at the sharp tone of her grandfather, but she did obey and did not say anymore. With a last poisonous look to Celia, she left the room.

"Tia was plan b...", Salvador gritted his teeth. Celia smiled slightly. She could read Salvador's expression and tone perfectly well: He was scared of her, scared that she could crumble his family's legacy like a house of cards between her fingers.

"Well, I just asked out of interest.", she shrugged, "we already cleared up that - strictly speaking - you all committed treason. But as I said: I am willing to turn a blind eye – for now. Have a pleasant day.", Celia walked out of the room. Benicio was hurrying to follow after her. He had a very disapproving expression on his face.

Only when the front door had closed behind them again and they were out of range of the camera, did he say something:

"You shouldn't have provoked them like that."

"They need to keep in mind that I have leverage on them."

"You have leverage, yes. You could take them all down, yes. But you cannot forever force people to be loyal to you by threatening their existence, Celia.", Benicio stopped in the middle of the sidewalk, "I know that all the rulers do it, but this only works on the people who actually have something to lose."

Celia stopped as well and turned around to him:

"What are you saying? The Tamayos have a lot to loose. Anyways, why are you being all morally correct right now? We have a case to solve."

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