Chapter 50: Ophelia

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 "Just tell us who this Ophelia is, so that we can help you find her.", Alec had tried to reason with Celia for quiet a while now. The other had heard her swear and had come to check on her in her office. But only Alec had had the patience to remain and argue with Celia.

"Alec, I don't need your help.", Celia repeated the hundredth time, "I can find her on my own."

"Well, you certainly have not gotten far in the half hour that I have sat here."

"Because you keep pestering me.", Celia snarled.

"Just tell me who she is. Then I will leave you alone.", Alec suddenly scowled, "what are you hiding from us?"

Celia flinched. He thought that far already. I can't have them distrust me! Celia frowned at Alec:

"I'm not hiding anything. Ophelia is under my official protection. The more you know about her, the more danger she is in."

"As I understand the situation, she is already in danger.", Alec simply stated.

Celia sighed. Sometimes he sounded like Benicio. And she hated that.

"Ophelia is a talented young Warlock. That's why they kidnapped her. And because she is a friend of mine. You must have realized by now that Eileen likes to tick me off."

"How do you and Ophelia know each other?"

Celia sighed once more. There was no way she could come up with a logical lie right now to explain their backstory:

"We both fell victim to the Circle during the first uprising. You probably have heard the stories that there were rogue Warlocks helping the Circle with everything magical they needed?", Alec nodded, "well, that was Ophelia and her cousin. Her cousin was killed as soon as Ophelia was old enough to cast the basic spells that the Circle needed. She was manipulated into doing everything they wanted. In one of the last strikes that the hybrid army did against the Circle she was discovered and brought to the palace for interrogation. We met there, she was a kid my age who had experienced just as horrible things as me, the rest is history."

"So the Circle took her again now because they think they can put her back into that manipulated mind set.", Alec stated. Celia nodded. He had understood the problem immediately.

"How dangerous is she?", Alec asked, "I mean, if they manage to make her do everything they want. What is she capable off?"

Celia shook her head:

"At the moment? Nothing."

Then, Celia's eyes widened. She reached for her phone, forgetting for a moment that it was laying completely trashed on the table in front of her.

"Alec, give me your phone. I need to call Magnus!", she demanded.

"What? Why do you -?"


Alec looked at Celia for a moment, then he pulled out his phone and called Magnus. He picked up after the second ring.

"Hey, Alec -"

"Magnus, it's me.", Celia interrupted, "I need you help."

Magnus did not answer immediately.

"I'm also here, Magnus.", Alec added quietly. Magnus let out a sigh of relief:

"Alright, Celia, don't startle me like that. What do you need?"

"How do you break a seal on a Warlock's magic?", Celia asked, "is it possible to break it with torture?"

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