Chapter Two : Too Late To Leave

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*Saturday morning*

After exams Chan spent the whole day with you and he slept over so he can take care of you.
"Baby wake up" whispered Chan shaking your shoulder softly. You just hummed and turned to the other side rejecting him.
" Baby wake up it's almost 12P, you should eat something"
"Ch-channie I'm tired please 5 more minutes" you said tiredly.
But you know that Chan is not giving up. He started tickling you, you were too weak and sleepy to fight him back so you just laughed hysterically enjoying the cute moment. Eventually, Chan dragged you out of bed and made tou sit on the chair in the kitchen preparing you a tasty breakfast just for you. " What is it Chan you're being extra sweet today?" you asked.
Chan's eyes widened "uhm nothing baby, you've been stressed out lately so I'm trying everything to make you feel better"

Both of you finished your food silently then he spoke " um babygirl, we're going out tonight"
" huh? why suddenly? where are we going ?"
" um a date!?" he answered quickly "Oh I really want to, but baby let's go another day. I feel like cuddling with you and staying home"
" oh you sleepyhead, no we're going out tonight "
" no buts love, I'll pick you up at 8 " he said standing up giving you a soft kiss on your kiss " so you better be ready" he added and left you apartment since he had some work to finish.
"oh Chan you never fail to make my heart go crazy for you" you said to yourself smiling like a fool. You were tired yes but you could never refuse going out with him and make beautiful memories together.

You wore a comfortable outfit. You thought Chan would take you to an empty park as always, out in the refreshing night breeze. Well that's what you thought.

*At 8PM*
Chan was waiting for you outside.
"Baby I'm waiting for you in the car, come quickly" said Chan through the phone.
"huh car? why did you bring your car? I thought we're riding your Monster" you asked ( Chan has a motorcycle he named it Monster cuz it's so big, at first you were scared to ride it but Chan is good at it and he turned your fear into an unforgettable experience).
"Ah are you for real? come in hurry up I missed you" he said and hung up.

You took your bag and went out ready to meet Chan. When Chan saw you, he rushed out of his car and opened the door for you. Your mouth was O shaped and eyes wide " C-chan? why are you dressing up like that?"
"Hum? like what?"
"wearing a suit"
"oh yeah I wanted to change my style a bit"
" Man you look like you escaped your wedding but you've look hot tho" you said the last words as a whisper, you couldn't resist his perfection "what did you say babygirl?" he smirked "nothing Chan nothing , c'mon drive I'm excited for our date!"
"oh someone was sleepy and lazy this morning " he teased
"you done with your teasing?" you glared at him, he kissed the back of your cold hands and drove the car.

After 20 minutes you stopped infront of a fancy restaurant, you were confused and shocked. Chan held your hand and led the way. Both of you took your seats "Did you like the surprise baby?" he asked eyes sparkling.
" I- I thought we're going somewhere else and not a fancy restaurant"
" I know that you wanted to go to fancy place, you enjoyed our simple dates and didn't complain about anything or about me being busy. I was just scared *he mumbled this sentence* , I wanted to make it up for you baby" " oh Chan stop that's sweet" "nah seriously baby, you deserve to be treated like a queen I'm sorry for not being available sometimes but I want you to know that I will love you forever, and let's spend the coming years together" he said rubbing your hands.
It was the moment when reality hits you " Oh no" you said panicking
"what is it (y/n)?"
" I think I forgot something " you said biting your lips .
"Dont worry about it baby, I know exams took all of your energy and time, let's forget about everything, everyone and just enjoy our anniversary "
" I love you Chan, nothing can ever change that"
" even if i was a bad person?"
"huh? why would you say that? Baby you're a good person, you're an angel" you stated and he smiled a bit.
" but you could have told me that we're going to a fancy restaurant at least I would have dressed up properly"
" Don't worry, you're always beautiful" he kissed your knuckles and both of you started eating.

" em (y/n) I'm going to the bathroom, I'll be back" you nodded and started eating again.
It has been 5 minutes now and Chan's phone rang, he received a text message, you wanted to check it but stopped yourself.

*meanwhile* Chan was looking at his reflection in the big mirror "what should I say? um baby will you marry me? oh that sound emotionless *he cleared his throat again* Baby I love you so much and ugh I messed up again, it's useless now, words will flow naturally i guess but I hope no one ruins out night, no no don't worry they won't find us" he said to himself taking a deep breath then he went back to your table.

"oh you're back!"
"yes baby, um did you like the food?"
you nodded excitedly and then stopped when you looked into his eyes "babe you okay?" are you stressed-?"
"no no I'm fin, totally fine let's just finish our dinner"

After a while Chan looked at you " baby I- " he said grabbing the red box in his pocket.
"oh baby sorry for interrupting you, but you received a message earlier , I didn't check it tho"
"Oh really?"
He then took his phone and started reading the message { Leave that restaurant right now, they found you, me and the others are coming for the rescue - Leeknow}.

His face dropped and anger took over him "Chan? what's wrong?" he quickly put the phone in his pocket and said " C'mon we need to go"
He grabbed your hand, you were confused and lost.
"hey what happened?"
"I'll explain later for now we need to leave (y/n)"

However it was too late to leave.


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