Chapter eleven : You're My Family.

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It was an exciting day as you embarked on your bridal shopping with the boys, Han and Felix.

You browsed through racks of wedding dresses.
You felt overwhelmed, joy filling you up.
Finally, you're marrying the love of your life, your heart raced at the thought of you and Chan starting a family.

Han and Felix enthusiastically joined in the search for the perfect gown.

Han with his mischievous grin, pointed at a weird dress, full of cuts and laces.
"you should try this one (y/n), just for fun"

"We ourselves, should find dresses too, dont you think Han? we're more like bridesmaids that groomsmen" said Felix laughing.

The three of you shared a good laugh.
Despite the teasing, both Felix and Han quickly became the biggest supporters.
Offering their honest opinion, making sure you felt comfortable in every outfit.

"wow, you look really stunning" said Han.
Felix nodded "absolutely breathtaking, now I'm jealous of Chris"

You chuckled lightly.
Their support gave you the confidence to embrace the experience fully. you felt really special.

As you stood in front of the mirror, a genuine smile formed on your lips.
This dress felt like it was made for you.

This dress felt like it was made for you

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Now, the boys stood behind you. Han put his hand on your shoulder.
"I think we found the one guys" he said smiling.
Felix nodded excitedly "Definitely, you're going ti be the most radiant bride"

Tears gathered in your eyes. You realized how lucky you were to have these incredible friends by your side.
You didn't know them for too long, but you quickly formed a strong bond with them.
Especially today's experience, it brought you even closer.

"Oh, don't cry" said Felix wiping your tears away.
"Happy tears Felix, I just can't express how grateful I am"
"we're here for you, you know that" said Han flashing you a smile.

"No really, it means more than you can imagine, you're like a family to mem It's tough not having my parents by my side during this important time in my life."
You stopped to swallow the lump forming in your throat.
"Losing my parents was incredibly tough, and sometimes it feels like I don't have anyone to turn to. " you added.

Felix and Han stood there in silence, their eyes briefly met, a mix of emotions passed between them, mostly filled with guilt.
There was a flicker of unease in their eyes something buried.

You looked at them and said "oh guys, I'm okay, Chan, I mean Chris was always there for me, after losing them, he was sent from above. I almost didn't believe that he really wants to be friends with me. I mean out if nowhere, out of everybody. And then we started dating" you chuckled a bit and added "He really made everything much easier for me".

They looked at you now forcing a smile.

"We'll always be here" they said in union.
"Chris loves you so much! really! Don't ever forget that please" Said Han engulfing you in a big hug.

Felix cleared his throat and said "well since we finished shopping what about grabbing some food, I'm starving "

You nodded in agreement as your stomach growled at the thought of food.

As you left the boutique, weighted with bags, you started walking to a nearby restaurant.
Felix and Han were busy in their own thoughts.
You thought that they might be tired of shopping with you for the whole day. You know boys and shopping, not a good match.
So you brushed it off.

As you walked, you felt something off. Are you being followed, or just delusional because of what happened in the past.
You furrowed your brows, a concern crossing your face. As you glanced over your shoulder.
Felix interrupted your train of thoughts.
"we're here!"

You sat near the window enjoying the street view. You ordered your foods and drinks.
You ate in silence, a sigh left your mouth as the cool drink slid down your throat.
You were enjoying the view when your eyes met someone's eyes.

His eyes never wavered from you.
Your heart skipped a beat, is it someone from the mafia.
"Stop being delusional (y/n) , it's just a coincidence right?" you thought to yourself.

You looked at Han and Felix, they were busy eating not noticing the creepy stares.
A growing discomfort rushed inside you.
"Can we go home please?" you said softly. You tried to sound as calm as possible.
"Hm? everything is okay?" asked Han.
"yeah, yeah totally, I'm just really exhausted."

You couldn't tell them about the creepy guy. They would obviously tell Chris. And it would stress him out, you only wanted him to be happy and focus on your wedding preparations.
So you gathered your things and left to the mansion.


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