Chapter Twenty Six: Alliance

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A/N: Here's chapter 26. Wow two chapters in one night.
🔺Introduction of a new important character.

So I'm having too many ideas for the coming books.
Who would be perfect for Enemies to lovers book? please comment your suggestions!!

"Chris, I hope you took the right decision" said Junho the moment Chris entered the ball room again.

"I did, I'll accept this plan-...but only on one condition"


" You won't be living here! you'll cause too much stress among the members and especially my wife. and I won't allow that"

"Lets put it this way... I won't be living here under one condition "

"Oh so know, you have more to ask? don't you ever think that you're always acting greedy?"

"Its always for the best son"

"It wasn't the case for my mom"

"You know it wasn't my fault, she chose that path. I gave her everything but she left-"

"whats your condition?" he cut him off, he clearly doesn't want to talk about the past.

" You will attend the party TXT is holding tomorrow night"

"Party? what party?"

"To celebrate our alliance"

"Deal" Said Chris without thinking.

"you'll meet his son, the heir of TXT. I'm sure you've met him before but not under healthy conditions. Tomorrow night will be different. There won't be any troubles. Its meant for celebration and bring y/n with you. she's part of the family now."

"She's always been part of the family.. of the Skz family to be precise." said Chris firmly. He wants to keep his father away from you as much as possible.

You rested your head on Chris' chest. Legs tangled.
The dim light in the room making both of you sigh in relief.

"I hope the bath was relaxing" asked Chris.

"Yes it was indeed... you know what else was relaxing?...the massage you gave me". you smiled.

"I'm glad baby... now close your eyes baby and sleep.. today was deserve some rest... I'll play with your hair okay?"

"what about you you should sleep as well"

"Naur, I'll wait for you to doze off first.. You know I love watching your pouty sleepy face"

"I love you Chris. really!"

"I love you too babygirl.. I'm right here you have nothing to worry about when you're in my arms."

He kissed your forehead, then your nose.
You slowly closed your eyes drifting to sleep, letting go of all of the worries in the world.
Feeling safe and sound in the embrace of your husband, Christopher Bang.

"Sleep well Princess" he muttered before joining you in dreamland.

•Time skip•

You were busy looking at your reflection in the mirror, doing your make up.

You were busy looking at your reflection in the mirror, doing your make up

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