Chapter Five: You're Coming With Me

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After that incident, you spent your while time in your room, one of the boys would being you food, you take long showers and then sleep.
A week had passed and you didn't see Chan. You needed time to think but everything is getting worse.

The boys introduced themselves to you, they tried to convince you that Chan really loves you, but you Always rejected that conversation, maybe if it was in different circumstances maybe it would make you feel happy but now it made you feel like shit.

Skz didn't think about the possibility of you running away, especially after telling you about the Ateez Mafia and warning you of all if the dangers. To them you seemed scared to take a step outside so they gave you your freedom in the mansion. There were no bodyguard, they didn't lock the door so you don't hate Chan more than that but of course for you it was the best opportunity to run away, not forever of course, because deep inside you can't bear being away from Chan.
you just needed to breathe and to be away from this scary place. So one night you really managed to sneak out and leave the mansion.

You weren't sure where to go, you can't go to your house because they'll find you, so you just walked in the streets without a destination.
You realize that you arrived at the park, Chan's favorite place. all of tour date were here. you started remembering all the cute moments with him, your first kiss, they way he held your cheeks and kisses you. Your tears fell uncomfortably, your heart was aching and you have nothing to do about it.

"what do you mean?"
"(y/n) she's not in her room, we've searched everywhere but she's nowhere to be found" said Felix.
"Fuck, get all of the boys we're going out to find her" said Chan

All of them were armed and they looked for you everywhere but couldn't find you and Chan started to panic. what if his rivals abducted you? what if something bad happened to him? he was hopeless and his men were getting tired.
" Did I tell you to stop? DON'T STOP ! I WANT HER HERE WITH ME"
He was emotional, all what he wanted is you in his arms, he was walking in the dark streets and stopped when when he arrived to the same park. He couldn't take all the overwhelming wave of emotions so he started crying his eyes out.
"It's all my fault. I ruined her, I ruined the love of my life, if something bad happens to her I'll never forgive myse-" he stopped when he noticed someone laying on the bench , his grip tightened on his gun and slowly approached. His eyes widened when he saw your face, you were sleeping peacefully there hugging your knees to your chest, curled up like a ball. His heart broke at your sight. The fact that you're not feeling safe with him but feeling safe in the dark cold streets instead made his heart shatter.
He wiped his tears and he put on a serious facial expression. He doesn't mean to be harsh but he needed to do that for your own safety.
"(y/n)" he said as he grabbed your hand.

His touch made you jump of your place. You looked at him in shock.
" I'm not going with you"
"No you're coming with me NOW" he said as he tightened his grip on your hand.
" I said I don't want to"
"I dont care, you're coming with me"
He called Hyunjin and told him to bring the car while you were fighting his tight grip.
"leave me alone what do you want"
The boys weren't too far so after a few minutes they arrived.
you didn't stop fighting but he quickly places a hand on your mouth and took you to the car.
Both of you were silent for the whole drive to the mansion.

He pushed you into your room and said " stay here and dont think about running away from me ever again" he said coldly.
"I HATE YOU SO MUCH" you said
your words really did hurt him, he tried to act cool but sadness was clearly displayed on his beautiful face.

"you think that keeping me locked here would change my mind and make me accept the fact that you're in mafia? or forgive you for lying to me and make me feel like a fool? "
Tears fell from his dark eyes and then he left you.


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