Chapter Twenty Eight: Steal Her From You

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A/N: Something is awakened again 👀.

"ready to go babe?" asked Chris kissing your temples

"Yeah yeah I'm still struggling to walk properly thanks to someone but yeah I'm ready" you teased.

"Im so sorry babe..about yesterday "

"what, chris i loved it you dont have to apologize..." you cupped his cheeks.

"alright then, let's go" he said smiling.

"wait, promise me that you won't do anything "


"I mean about Soobin, he's my best friend Chris, I know him well so no need to worry about him having bad intentions.... please"

"Aah, I'll try.." he answered biting the inner of his cheek.

He knows, you're not naive so you can handle situations well. He knows you won't let someone cross the limits with you but he can't help that stinging feeling whenever another man is near you or making you smile.
Except his members of course. He trusts them with his life.

•TXT mansion•
"Leeknow , Changbin, you'll meet up with the rest of TXT, try to get to know them .. me and Y/N we'll be here with Soobin to discuss things, I'll update you with the necessary information" said Chris to his mates.

"Oh look who's here, Chris, y/n ..have a seat please" said Soobin.

You sat across each other.

"y/n I hope you're doing okay?"

"yeah I'm doing great thank you Soobin"

"Lets get into business shall we?" said Chris.

Soobin put some files in the table for Chris to check.

"You can find everything here about San. The crimes his father had done before. Their most worthy possessions and some of their future plans"

"Oh that's a lot"

"we used to work together. So we had to know"

"what do you mean had to know? San doesn't know that you own these information?" you asked

"umm not really " he paused
"Even though my father trusted him, because he was close with Hyun Choi. Me and the boys couldn't fully trust him, there's always something off about him. So we had to collect information in case he tries to betray us, and he did"

"yeah you can expect everything from Choi San" said Chris in casually.

"Do you have any ideas on where he could be? he's hiding like a rat. We need to find him and take him down before he causes any more damage" You asked.

"There are a few places but we're not sure, we can't risk sending the boys there cause he could be prepared or expecting us to come to find him, we need a better plan"

"We need him to crawl out of his cave.. sweetheart" said Chris.

"Any suggestions?" said Soobin.

All of tou sat there silently thinking, then you broke the silent.

"What about a fake shipment?" you suggest out of the blue.

Both of their heads turned to look at you.

"huh?" they said in union.

Your cheeks heat up.
"oh sorry, it was just a suggestion please continue your discussion" you said awkwardly.

"No no its great actually" said Soobin smiling.

"What do you have in mind baby? let us know"

"Um I dont know exactly but I've been with San for days and he's the greedy type, like he's never satisfied and always wants more"

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