Chapter Twenty Five: The deal

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A/N: Hello Babygirls.
Finally, here's chapter 25, it's. kinda long so I hope you enjoy it.

➡️ Since I posted this a bit late, I'll be posting Chapter 26 now, right after this one.
Dont forget to vote and comment, it means a lot ♥️
🔺These chaps are super important.

"D-dad?" said Chris in disbelief.

You froze. Your eyes glued on the man before you, Junho Bang.

You didn't know how to react.
Yell at him, punch him, or stay quite and let Chris handle the whole situation.

He was the reason your parents died.

Tension hung thick in the air as Junho stood there staring at Chris.

"Son, it's been so long" he said.

The shock on Chris'face now became anger.

"What are you doing here?" he said in a low tone.

"Is this how you welcome me ? In my house?....Im sorry son I've interrupted your wedding i guess. " he added after scanning the place.

"You should leave" said Chris calmly trying to handle the situation without causing you any stress.

Now Junho's eyes landed on you.
scanning your face.
His eyes widened.

"I r-recognize you.. are you y/n?...your father told me about you, he used to keep a picture of you and your mother in his office." he said smiling a bit, trying to defuse the tension after seeing your angry and shocked expressions, but did he know, he made it worse for you.

"Dont you dare speak of my parents" you fired, looking intensely at him, eyes holding so much hate.

"Im sure you know then" he said approaching you extending his hand, fueled by the desire to make amends.

Chris moved in front you, protectively.

His voice trembling with a mixture of anger and protectiveness.
"Dont you dare touch her or come near her" he threatened.
"And now get out" he added.

"I can't Chris-"

"Okay then, if you insist that this is your house, then WE WILL GO OUT" he said grabbing your wrist.

"Chris you can't you know its still dangerous to go in public with y/n for the time being" said Leeknow stopping him from moving further.

"Leeknow is right, Chris...think of y/n first, of her safety " said Felix.

"Dont leave son, we need to private"

"Are you being serious now? we have nothing to talk about! and how did you get out of jail anyway? you're supposed to stay there for a long time how did you break free?" said Chris angrily, his veins popping out on his neck, his grip on your wrist tightening making you frown.

"I'll tell you everything you need to know Christopher."

"Spill it out then. we don't need to speak in private. You can speak here" said Chris.

"Choi Ji kyun" he said nervously.

All of the boys exchanged glances, but you looked at them clueless. Who the hell is Choi Ji Kyun.

"What does TXT boss has to do with this?" asked Chris.

"He helped me out of jail."

"haha..helped you out of jail.. how come an enemy help you of j-" he said in a ironic tone only to get cut off by his father.

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