chapter Twenty Three: Awake

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A/N: hello babygirls I hope you're doing great.
Here's part 23, I hope you enjoy it.
So I would like to add some others chapters since I want to give TXT boys some screentime lol, so I hope you don't get bored if the book seemed to be a bit long.
warnings ⚠️ : Smut at the end of this chapter 😏
I'll post the next chapter very soon. so enjoy.
don't forget to comment your thoughts about this chapter 💬.

You spent the night crying.

Han couldn't leave you alone. But didn't want to push over. so he stayed outside your room. Infront of your door, on the floor. For the whole night.

He heard your sobs, it broke his heart but you asked to stay alone so he gave you space. He was there in case you had another panic attack or couldn't breathe again.

It was a tough night, too many thoughts on your mind.

You slowly opened the door. You found Han sleeping in a sitting position.

You felt sad. You didn't any of them to suffer because of you.

You made sure to not make any noise to wake him up.

You limped back to your room, brought a soft blanket and put it on him.

Slowly closed the door and found your way to Chris.

He was there, sleeping soundly.
You smiled a bit.
Even tho you were in pain, you ignored it. You focused only on Chris.
You craved his touch.
You missed his laugh, his attractive laugh.
You would give anything to hear it again.

you sat on the chair right next to his bed.
"They said your body is healing quite well. you're recovering perfectly....but you're still not awake. The doctors said it might take hours or days..."
you said grabbing his hand and kissing it.
"please wake up.." you muttered resting your head next to his.

"Han..Han wake up ...ugh wake up for god's sake" said Hyunjin shaking him.

"ummm what?" he whimpered..eyes still closed and slapping his hands away.

"y/n isn't in her room..."

"what" he stood up quickly rubbing his eyes.

"yea yea. you said you'd keep an eye on her"

"damn hyun i fell asleep"

"okay okay wake up and prepare her meds and breakfast... I'll check Chris' room maybe she went there"

•in Chris' room•

Laying you head on Chris' chest closing your teary eyes. praying for him and his safety.
continuously muttering a small
"I love you Chris"

You felt a hand on top of your head, slowly caressing your hair eyes still closed.
"y/n" Said Chris weakly.

Your eyes widened. breath caught in her throat the moment you heard his voice.

His soothing voice.

You looked at him, your hand still tightly gripping his.
You watched as his eyelids began to flutter. slowly opening.

As his eyes fully open, he surveyed his surroundings, his gaze darting around the room with a mix of confusion and curiosity.

You leaned in closer, your voice trembling with a mix of emotions, calling his name softly

"Chris, over here baby.. yes yes slowly" you said out of breath.

His mind races to make sense of the time that has passed, and trying to remember what had happened in the past hours.

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