Chapter Twenty Nine: Fight over me?

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A/N: Hello babygirls sorry for the late update I just was busy with some stuff and unfortunately I got sick so 🤷🏻‍♀️.
I hope you enjoy this chapter and I'll try to upload the next chapter very very soon I promise.
This chapter is kinda long tho. So enjoy.

Soobin put his head on his big pillow.

All what he can think about is you, your smile and your voice.

Even tho many things changed in you, for him you didn't change even one bit.
He smiled to himself..
"Its my fault, I should have confessed back then, when were teenagers" he sighed.
"I'll try to win her back" he added closing his eyes looking forward to your next meeting, completely neglecting the fact that you're a married woman now.
•Time skip•

"Chris aren't you planning to take y/n on a proper honeymoon man" said Leeknow teasingly.

"oh yeah we will, I need to finish the mission we started first" said Chris.

" How are we gonna find him?"

"He'll come to us, we'll discuss the plan tonight with TXT"

"seriously, we're going there again?" Said Leeknow rolling his eyes.

"No they're coming here tonight "

"Thay was unexpected but okay, what are you planning to do about you know Soobin hitting on y/n"

"I promised y/n to not do anything, I won't break any promise ever again. But if he dares then we'll see.. I'll try to make her busy tonight so she won't meet him when he comes over"

"hmm if you say so"

"I'll check up on her shes training with Han now, Soobin will be here soon"
•In the training room•

"hey baby-..oww nice punches damn" said Chris in an impressed tone.

"She's getting stronger, her punches are more powerful now" praised Han.

"Its all thanks to you Hannie" you said smiling.

"Han go take a shower we have a meeting in 20 minutes"

"Yessir " said Han putting the punching pads in their place leaving the training room.

"You know you look hot when you kick ass" said Chris approaching you.

"Oh yeah ? really?" you smirked, you knew the effect you have on him especially when you're all hot and messy.

"Uhu , you know I like it when you show this badass side"

"Is it an indirect way to make me pin you against the wall?" you teased.

" ohhh bold of you, Y/N Bang wants to pin me Chris Bang, against the wall?"

"hmm I'll do it if you say please" you said taking a step closer to him.

Well man started blushing, he's always been the dominant one, always making you flustered, its rare for you to act this way and when you do, it definitely turns him on.

"Was this necessary babygirl? turning me on ? You're aware I have a meeting in now 15 minutes " ha said checking his watch.

"oh its fun to tease you besides we still have the whole night after your meeting so... I'll help you down there" you smirked a'd tried to walk past him but he caught your wrist

"oww not too fast, where do you think you're going ?"

"um to take a shower...but so bad you can't join me.. your guests we'll be here soon"

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