Chapter Eight: "You're a beast Chris"

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The moment you opened the door, you saw Chan shirtless, beating the life out of that man who flirted with you without any mercy, he was doing that with an evil smirk on his face, he was enjoying his time torturing someone.

you stood there in shock, is that really him? is that really your sweet babyboy?
Chan thought that it was one of the boys who entered his office so he said wiping his hands "throw this mf out of here, I don't wanna see him ever again , tale him somewhere and kill him"

when he didn't receive a reply he looked towards the door and saw you standing there eyes wide. He froze and his heart almost jumped out of his throat.
"uh (y/n)?" he took a step towards you but you took a step away from him.
"I'm so sorry, you weren't supposed to see this" he added his eyes softening.
"not supposed to see this? Stop hiding the monster inside of you, you're a beast Chan oh no I'm sorry I mean Chris" you yelled and turned your back to leave him but he grabbed your wrist.
"no, you're not going anywhere, not before I explain everything"
"Oh really? so you want to explain your filthy work? what if I go now, are you going to kill me? or beat the shit out of me the way you did to this man?" and you pointed to the man laying unconscious on the ground.
"he was flirting with you (y/n), he tried to kiss you, Leeknow told me everything"
"You're a beast Chris"
"yes I am, I'm a beast , I can't help it, I can't control it ,when it comes to you I'll be more than a beast , I'll kill anyone who tries to touch you or be near you"
"Stop being possessive Chris, you're making everything hard for me, I'm so confused, I hate myself for loving you. " you said tearing up and leaving the room.
"what? (y/n) come back!"
it gave him a lot of hope, he thought that you hated him forever.

your comments and reviews are highly appreciated, thank you.
I'll be posting the next chapter very soon.


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