Chapter Nine: "Good girl"

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After that argument, you rushed to your room and closed your door.
You started crying unstoppably.
He scared you so much.

You hated yourself for not controlling your emotions and running to him like a child seeking for comfort.

To you he was a monster. You couldn't forget his face earlier, his smirk while torturing someone, how his eyes were dark, but then you remembered how his eyes softened when they met yours.

You really have an impact on him.

"Baby can I come in" said Chan from the other side of the door.

You ignored him a cried silently, confused whether you wanted to hear his soothing voice or not.

"Baby please give a chance to explain everything, please" he begged his voice cracking.

Again you followed your heart, deep down you wanted to give him a chance and listen to whatever he's going to say, you're not running away from this conversation anyway.

Maybe you were curious to know, maybe you were longing for his voice. You weren't sure of what to feel and what to do, but the moment he started sobbing you opened the door and you found him sitting on the floor, his head in hands. It broke your heart to see him like this but you didn't want to show it instead you coldly said "come in".

He looked at you with his puppy eyes and you felt butterflies in your stomach. You wanted to pepper his face with kisses and suffocate him with tight hugs but you chose to stay calm, to early to give in.

Both of you set on the edge of your bed.
"I wanted to protect you" tears staring to gather in his eyes again.
"Maybe I was possessive but it was out of love, I swear I was only trying to protect you from my rivals, I didn't mean to lock you here. I just wanted to make sure you're safe, the thought of you getting hurt is haunting me and I would never forgive myself is something bad happens to you" He hesitantly held tour hands but this time you didn't flinch or slap his hands.

"(y/n) I didn't trick you, I know I lied by hiding my real identity but I was planning to tell you everything, I can't bear losing you because of my job, and my rivals knew about our relationship and at that moment I knew both of us are stuck together forever, I'm not complaining tho , I'm happy that you'll be mine forever but I think I was selfish because you're the one who's going to suffer because of me, I'm really sorry because I dragged you in this world with me"

You didn't look at him because you didn't want to show your tears, he thought you're still mad at him.
"(y/n) look at me please I, I love you "
he said his eyes sparkling but when you kept silent he broke down into tears, his hands left yours to cover his face. He started sobbing loudly.

You looked at him in shock, it was the first time you see him like that.
That moment you forgot about everything and you quickly give in and hugged his body trying to calm him down.
He leaned into your touches and buried his face in your neck, taking into your scent.

He wrapped his arms around your waist and pulled you closer to his body. His naked upper body was so warm and you can feel each muscle of him.
He looked like a little child in your arms and not the beast that you saw minutes ago. It is crazy how he can be both.

Your fingers played with his hair, he eventually calmed down enjoying your touches.
"please say it back.. I'm so s-scared"
"I l-love you too Chan, I love you so much Chris"
The moment you said Chris he knew you finally accepted his true identity. He knew that your love won because because it is stronger than anything.
"I love tou more babygirl" he looked up at you and you flashed him a reassuring smile only to receive a smirk.
"ugh really Chan?"
You knew exactly what he was thinking about.
"I can't help it I missed you a lot"
well he was right, you missed him too and you wanted him as much as he wanted you.
He locked the door cuz he know LeeKnow or Jisung could break into your room at any unexpected moment.

⚠️Slight Smut ( I'm not good at writing smut so yeah..⚠️

Then he looked at you, his eyes darkening with lust.
your heart started racing with excitement.
He slowly and softly pushed you on your bed and crawled on top of you.
He deeply looked into your eyes then scanned each spot of your face.
"you're so beautiful, god , I really missed you so much" he whispered.
he rubbed your cheek with one hand and the other hand was on your side poking it softly.

He approached you and planted a kiss on your cheek, jaw , nose , forehead and finally your lips. It started soft, slow and sweet but quickly turned into a long mess, breathing each other in and out. You started tugging on his hair so he let a soft moan, you smiled at hot mess on top of you and then pushed him so now he's on his back and you in top of him.

You slowly started grinding on him, your hands resting on his chest and his hands on your waist helping your movement. Your whimpers and heavy breathing filling the room.

He started taking your shirt off as things got out of hands and you seriously need to fuck each other.

Suddenly the door knob turned and you immediately jumped off of him.

"(Y/n) ! is Chris here I couldn't find him in his room or office, I heard some noises in your room is he there?" said LeeKnow.
This man needs to knock for real, luckily the door was closed or else you would deal with his teasing forever.

you were breathing heavily not sure what to say "u-uh no Leeknow he's not h-here " you stuttered
"oh sure I was imagining then"
you didn't see his face but you could feel his smirk.
You looked back and there was Chan laying on his back his hand behind his head and smiling.
"your face turned red, baby girl, why so shy?"
"ugh, come on you know LeeKnow" you whispered
"we didn't do anything serious and he heard our noises what if we actually fucked, the whole mansion would hear us"
"oh god Chan stop embarrassing me"
"by the way we're not gonna finish it? I have a problem down here"
"You know we can do that anytime Baby" you said and he smiled.
"but not tonight " his smile dropped but he completely understood LeeKnow wouldn't shut up about it.

"but we can cuddle tho" you said jumping on him and resting your head on his chest, he pulled the blanket to cover both of you.

His hand found its way to your hair and yours to his defined stomach.
"That night, I mean our anniversary, I prepared a gift for you" he started.
"oh really what is it?"
"uhm wait here" he said getting up and leaving your room quickly so LeeKnow wouldn't notice him.

You sat there waiting and then he cane back smiling, locking the door again but this time he was hiding something behind his back.
"Ive practiced a lot for this but I guess I found the right words" he said and you stared at him trying to understand.
" (y/n) , this experience proved that our love is stronger than anything in this world. I realized that my life is meaningless without you, I love you so much and I want to see your face every day, so Baby... will you marry me?" he said opening the box and showing a beautiful diamond ring.
You didn't answer him but instead you jumped on him and hugged him, it made you both fall off the bed.
"aah baby that's a strong yes" he groaned in pain.
"yes Chan I want to marry you"
He put that ring on your finger and then picked you up. " let's do it then, we didn't finish earlier, I dont wanna waste no time"
"Chan you're unbelievable what if-"
"all of them are alseep at this hour, no one can bother us. Take that beautiful outfit off or maybe you need some help" he said putting you on the bed and slowly taking off your clothes.
"wow" he said and then you proceeded to take off his grey joggers for him. A proud smile drawn on his face when you did that and it turned him even more how much you wanted him. "good girl".

A/N: Im sorry I'm not good with smut I cant write in details so Imma leave it to your imagination.
I'll post the next chapter soon.


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