Chapter Thirty-Two: Betrayal

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A/n: Hello, sorry for taking too long to post.
This story will almost reach to its end, only a few chapters to go.
I'll make sure you enjoy the next chapters to the fullest.
I hope you enjoy this Chapter.
TW: mention of action - violence - weapons.

You finally reached your destination.
Teamed up.

"Take care of yourself babygirl, I'll meet you inside in the warehouse... stay safe okay" said Chris, his eyes full of worry. gently grabbing your arm.
He gave you a tight hug and kissed your forehead.

"Leeknow..y/n is your responsibility keep an eye on her.. don't let anything happen to her.." he whispered.

"Dont worry Chris. she'll be safe.. good luck." said Leeknow patting Chris' shoulder.

You walked inside the house with the team while the others separated ways.

Chris felix yeonjun and Han's fixated their gazes on the house's entrance.
crouched behind vehicles in the front yard.

Meanwhile, at the rear of the house, Soobin, Hyunjin, Kai and I.N scanned the backyard, fingers lightly gripping weapons as they monitored every shadow, waiting for any sign of movement..

And within the walls of the house, you stood there along side with Leeknow, Beomgyu, Taehyun, Changbin and Seungmin. Gripping your weapon in anticipation.

You felt really scared, danger could be around the corner and you don't know if you're ready for it. But you were ready to fight anyone who dares to touch your loved ones.

You gulped and Changbin noticed it.
He approached you slowly to not get the attention of others.

"You alright y/n?" he whispered.

"yeah I'm fine, why?" you smiled.

"you seem a little tense!"

"No Binnie I'm completely fine no need to worry about me"

"Just remember y/n you're not alone okay! we're here with you. You're with SKZ , we'll protect you-"

"and I'll protect you too" you smiled again.

He gave you a side hug and said
"You know how much I respect you right! you're a real fighter y/n... not only in cases like these but in general"

His words comforted you, but still you feel uneasy, so something is wrong.
You could feel it inside you, growing.
You didn't tell any of the boys cause they would misunderstand.
They would say that you're just scared, but its not fear.
You had this feeling the moment you reached the warehouse.

A subtle rustling of leaves in the backyard suddenly shattered the stillness, jolting the teams into heightened alertness.

The boys held their weapons up.
They were ready to shoot at any moment.

But they stopped the moment they heard a familiar voice.

"Don't shoot... it's Kun"

"Kun? what are you doing here?" asked Soobin in a confused tone.

"we're here for backup"

"C'mon don't stand there, come and hide" whispered soobin.
"Ateez could be here at any moment" he added.

"Boys" said Kun and the rest of NCT headed to the front yard and others went inside the house. All of them wearing masks.

Soobin talked through his device
"Chris , Leeknow do you copy?"

"yes?" they said in union.

"Kun is here, he came with the rest if NCT for backup, expect company "

"We couldn't just let you alone.. we need to help" he said.

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